

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
2705 L to R Graph (Another ver.) hirayuu_yc 6 1
2689 Populous SPD_9X2 7 4
2625 Bouns Ai AngrySadEight 94 0
2615 ペアの作り方 startcpp 139 4
2585 How many "Who is Santa?" netyo715 42 5
2571 列辞書順列 Magentor 15 1
2568 列辞書順列列 Magentor 79 2
2556 Increasing Matrix 20 4
2531 Coloring Vertices on Namori AngrySadEight 87 0
2530 Yellow Cards AngrySadEight 81 1
2529 Treasure Hunter PCTprobability 93 3
2527 H and W srjywrdnprkt 141 1
2522 Fall in love, Girls! MasKoaTS 36 0
2517 Right Triangles on Circle MasKoaTS 133 1
2474 Empty Quartz SPD_9X2 22 1
2472 Tea time in the grand garden SPD_9X2 11 2
2471 Gemini Tree(Ver.Lapislazuli) SPD_9X2 5 0
2440 Accuracy of Integer Division Approximate Functions Mizar 12 0
2413 Multiple of 99 AngrySadEight 39 3
2409 Strange Werewolves AngrySadEight 136 2
2361 Many String Compare Queries 遭難者 25 1
2356 Back Door Tour in Four Seasons AngrySadEight 72 2
2313 Product of Subsequence (hard) とりゐ 18 1
2219 Re:010 stoq 129 2
2199 lower_bound and upper_bound 45 1
2177 Recurring ab MasKoaTS 85 4
2176 LRM Question 1 MasKoaTS 137 2
2161 Black Market AngrySadEight 38 1
2151 3 on Torus-Lohkous snuke 10 6
2135 C5 shobonvip 20 14
2131 Concon Substrings (COuNt Version) AngrySadEight 116 3
2128 Round up!! 遭難者 39 1
2108 Red or Blue and Purple Tree Sumitacchan 10 2
2106 Wild Cacco Sumitacchan 36 5
2058 Binary String taiga0629kyopro 93 4
2033 Chromatic Duel Shirotsume 33 0
2031 Colored Brackets Shirotsume 104 2
2023 Tiling is Fun 117 17
2005 Sum of Power Sums to-omer 13 3
2001 Distanced Triple to-omer 45 2
1999 Lattice Teleportation MasKoaTS 28 2
1997 X Lighting MasKoaTS 65 0
1978 Permutation Repetition magsta 24 1
1975 Zigzag Sequence magsta 83 2
1973 Divisor Sequence magsta 103 8
1970 ひよこ鑑定士 57tggx 12 3
1929 Exponential Sequence null 75 7
1897 Sum of 2nd Max Shirotsume 82 5
1889 K Consecutive Ks (Hard) miscalc 20 6
1887 K Consecutive Ks (Easy) miscalc 49 1