#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define repl(i,a,b) for(int i=(int)(a);i<(int)(b);i++) #define rep(i,n) repl(i,0,n) #define mp(a,b) make_pair((a),(b)) #define pb(a) push_back(a) #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() #define dbg(x) cout<<#x"="<<(x)< a; bigint& normalize(); public: bigint(int x = 0); bigint(const std::string& s); bigint& operator = (const bigint& x); bigint& operator = (int x); bigint& operator = (const std::string& s); const bool operator < (const bigint& x) const; const bool operator > (const bigint& x) const; const bool operator <= (const bigint& x) const; const bool operator >= (const bigint& x) const; const bool operator != (const bigint& x) const; const bool operator == (const bigint& x) const; bigint operator -() const; bigint& operator += (const bigint& x); bigint& operator -= (const bigint& x); bigint& operator *= (const bigint& x); bigint& operator /= (const bigint& x); bigint& operator %= (const bigint& x); const bigint operator + (const bigint& x) const; const bigint operator - (const bigint& x) const; const bigint operator * (const bigint& x) const; const bigint operator / (const bigint& x) const; const bigint operator % (const bigint& x) const; friend std::pair divmod(const bigint& lhs, const bigint& rhs); friend std::istream& operator >> (std::ostream& is, bigint& x); //適当実装 friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const bigint& x); friend const bigint abs(bigint x); }; bigint& bigint::normalize() { int i = a.size()-1; while (i >= 0 && a[i] == 0) --i; a.resize(i+1); if (a.size() == 0) negative = false; return *this; } bigint::bigint(int x) : negative(x<0) { x = abs(x); for (; x > 0; x /= BASE) a.push_back(x % BASE); } bigint::bigint(const std::string& s): negative(false) { int p = 0; if (s[p] == '-') { ++p; negative = true; } else if (s[p] == '+') { ++p; } for (int i = s.size()-1, v = BASE; i >= p; --i, v*=10) { int x = s[i]-'0'; if (x < 0 || 9 < x) { std::cerr<<"error: parse error:"<= 0; --i) if (a[i] != x.a[i]) return (a[i] < x.a[i])^negative; return false; } const bool bigint::operator > (const bigint& x) const { return x<(*this); } const bool bigint::operator <= (const bigint& x) const { return !(x<(*this)); } const bool bigint::operator >= (const bigint& x) const { return !((*this) b(x.a); if ((*this < x) ^ negative) { a.swap(b); negative = !negative; } for (int i = 0, tmp = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) { a[i] += BASE - (inormalize(); } bigint& bigint::operator *= (const bigint& x) { negative ^= x.negative; std::vector c(a.size()*x.a.size()+1); for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) { long long tmp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.a.size(); ++j) { long long v = (long long)a[i] * x.a[j] + c[i+j] + tmp; tmp = v / BASE; c[i+j] = (int)(v % BASE); } if (tmp) c[i+x.a.size()] += (int)tmp; } a.swap(c); return this->normalize(); } bigint& bigint::operator /= (const bigint& x) { return *this = divmod(*this,x).first; } bigint& bigint::operator %= (const bigint& x) { return *this = divmod(*this,x).second; } const bigint bigint::operator + (const bigint& x) const { bigint res(*this); return res += x; } const bigint bigint::operator - (const bigint& x) const { bigint res(*this); return res -= x; } const bigint bigint::operator * (const bigint& x) const { bigint res(*this); return res *= x; } const bigint bigint::operator / (const bigint& x) const { bigint res(*this); return res /= x; } const bigint bigint::operator % (const bigint& x) const { bigint res(*this); return res %= x; } std::pair divmod(const bigint& lhs, const bigint& rhs) { if (!rhs.a.size()) { std::cerr<<"error: division by zero"<= 0; --i) { r = r * bigint::BASE + lhs.a[i]; int head = 0, tail = bigint::BASE; if (r >= x) { while (head + 1 < tail) { int mid = (head + tail) / 2; if (x * bigint(mid) > r) tail = mid; else head = mid; } r -= x * head; } q.a.push_back(head); } reverse(q.a.begin(), q.a.end()); bool neg = lhs.negative ^ lhs.negative; q.negative = neg; r.negative = neg; return std::make_pair(q.normalize(), r.normalize()); } std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, bigint& x) { std::string tmp; is >> tmp; x = bigint(tmp); return is; } std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const bigint& x) { if (x.negative) os << '-'; if (!x.a.size()) os << 0; else os << x.a.back(); for (int i = x.a.size()-2; i >= 0; --i) { os.width(bigint::LEN); os.fill('0'); os << x.a[i]; } return os; } const bigint abs(bigint x) { x.negative = false; return x; } /* end of the library */ bigint gcd(bigint a, bigint b){ if(b == bigint(0) ) return a; else return gcd(b, a%b); } int main(){ string str; cin>>str; vector use(11, false); int g=5*7*8*9; rep(i, str.size()){ int d = str[i]-'0'; if(d>0) g = __gcd(g,d); use[d]=true; } int cnt=0,w=9; rep(i,10) if(use[i]){ cnt++; int j=i+1; while(j<10 && !use[j])j++; if(j!=10) w = min(w, j-i); } if(cnt==1){cout<