S = input() maxnum = -9999999999999999999999999 length = len(S) checknum = lambda x, line: not (line[x] == "+" or line[x] == "-") for i in range(length): line = S[i:length] + S[0:i] tline = line if not checknum(0, line) or not checknum(len(line) - 1, line): continue j = 0 while tline[j] == "0": j += 1 if not checknum(j, tline): tline = tline[j - 1:len(tline)] j = 1 while j < len(tline): if not checknum(j - 1, tline) and tline[j] == "0": if j == len(tline) - 1: break else: if checknum(j + 1, tline): tline = tline[0:j] + tline[j+1:len(tline)] else: j += 1 for i in range(len(tline) - 1): if not checknum(i, tline) and not checknum(i + 1, tline): line = "" break else: line = tline try: maxnum = max(maxnum, eval(line)) except: pass print(maxnum)