print((function (g, s) local h,l,r,t,f={},10,0,0,g(s) for i=1,#s do if h[f(i)]==nil then h[f(i)]={} end table.insert(h[f(i)],i) end for i=9,1,-1 do if h[i]~=nil then for _,v in ipairs(h[i]) do for j=1,v-1 do if i>f(j) and j<=l and v>r and i>=t then l,r,t = j,v,i end end end end end return l>9 and s or s:sub(1,l-1)..s:sub(r,r)..s:sub(l+1,r-1)..s:sub(l,l)..s:sub(r+1) end)(function (s) local h,f={},string.sub return function (n) if h[n]==nil then h[n]=tonumber(f(s,n,n)) end return h[n] end end, io.stdin:read("*l")))