#include using namespace std; #define LOCAL mt19937 rng((unsigned int)chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); class node { public: int id; node* l; node* r; node* p; bool rev; int sz; // declare extra variables: int P; int64_t sum; node(int _id) { id = _id; l = r = p = NULL; rev = false; sz = 1; // init extra variables: P = rng(); sum = id; } void unsafe_reverse() { rev ^= 1; swap(l, r); pull(); } // apply changes: void unsafe_apply() {} void push() { if (rev) { if (l != NULL) { l->unsafe_reverse(); } if (r != NULL) { r->unsafe_reverse(); } rev = 0; } // now push everything else: } void pull() { sz = 1; sum = id; // now init from self: if (l != NULL) { l->p = this; sz += l->sz; // now pull from l: sum += l->sum; } if (r != NULL) { r->p = this; sz += r->sz; // now pull from r: sum += r->sum; } } }; void debug_node(node* v, string pref = "") { #ifdef LOCAL if (v != NULL) { debug_node(v->r, pref + " "); cerr << pref << "-" << " " << v->id << '\n'; debug_node(v->l, pref + " "); } else { cerr << pref << "-" << " " << "NULL" << '\n'; } #endif } namespace treap { pair find(node* v, const function& go_to) { // go_to returns: 0 -- found; -1 -- go left; 1 -- go right // find returns the last vertex on the descent and its go_to if (v == NULL) { return {NULL, 0}; } int dir; while (true) { v->push(); dir = go_to(v); if (dir == 0) { break; } node* u = (dir == -1 ? v->l : v->r); if (u == NULL) { break; } v = u; } return {v, dir}; } node* get_leftmost(node* v) { return find(v, [&](node*) { return -1; }).first; } node* get_rightmost(node* v) { return find(v, [&](node*) { return 1; }).first; } node* get_kth(node* v, int k) { // 0-indexed pair p = find(v, [&](node* u) { if (u->l != NULL) { if (u->l->sz > k) { return -1; } k -= u->l->sz; } if (k == 0) { return 0; } k--; return 1; }); return (p.second == 0 ? p.first : NULL); } int get_position(node* v) { // 0-indexed int k = (v->l != NULL ? v->l->sz : 0); while (v->p != NULL) { if (v == v->p->r) { k++; if (v->p->l != NULL) { k += v->p->l->sz; } } v = v->p; } return k; } node* get_bst_root(node* v) { while (v->p != NULL) { v = v->p; } return v; } pair split(node* v, const function& is_right) { if (v == NULL) { return {NULL, NULL}; } v->push(); if (is_right(v)) { pair p = split(v->l, is_right); if (p.first != NULL) { p.first->p = NULL; } v->l = p.second; v->pull(); return {p.first, v}; } else { pair p = split(v->r, is_right); v->r = p.first; if (p.second != NULL) { p.second->p = NULL; } v->pull(); return {v, p.second}; } } pair split_leftmost_k(node* v, int k) { return split(v, [&](node* u) { int left_and_me = (u->l != NULL ? u->l->sz : 0) + 1; if (k >= left_and_me) { k -= left_and_me; return false; } return true; }); } node* merge(node* v, node* u) { if (v == NULL) { return u; } if (u == NULL) { return v; } if (v->P > u->P) { // if (rng() % (v->sz + u->sz) < (unsigned int) v->sz) { v->push(); v->r = merge(v->r, u); v->pull(); return v; } else { u->push(); u->l = merge(v, u->l); u->pull(); return u; } } int count_left(node* v, const function& is_right) { if (v == NULL) { return 0; } v->push(); if (is_right(v)) { return count_left(v->l, is_right); } return (v->l != NULL ? v->l->sz : 0) + 1 + count_left(v->r, is_right); } node* add(node* r, node* v, const function& go_left) { pair p = split(r, go_left); return merge(p.first, merge(v, p.second)); } node* remove(node* v) { // returns the new root v->push(); node* x = v->l; node* y = v->r; node* p = v->p; v->l = v->r = v->p = NULL; v->push(); v->pull(); // now v might be reusable... node* z = merge(x, y); if (p == NULL) { if (z != NULL) { z->p = NULL; } return z; } if (p->l == v) { p->l = z; } if (p->r == v) { p->r = z; } while (true) { p->push(); p->pull(); if (p->p == NULL) { break; } p = p->p; } return p; } node* next(node* v) { if (v->r == NULL) { while (v->p != NULL && v->p->r == v) { v = v->p; } return v->p; } v->push(); v = v->r; while (v->l != NULL) { v->push(); v = v->l; } return v; } node* prev(node* v) { if (v->l == NULL) { while (v->p != NULL && v->p->l == v) { v = v->p; } return v->p; } v->push(); v = v->l; while (v->r != NULL) { v->push(); v = v->r; } return v; } int get_size(node* v) { return (v != NULL ? v->sz : 0); } template void apply(node* v, T... args) { v->unsafe_apply(args...); } void reverse(node* v) { v->unsafe_reverse(); } } // namespace treap using namespace treap; signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N, K; cin >> N >> K; vector A(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cin >> A[i]; node* root = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) root = add(root, new node(A[i]), [&](node* v) { return A[i] < v->id; }); auto eval = [](node* &r) { assert(r); node* lc; node* rc; int med = get_kth(r, r->sz / 2)->id; tie(lc, rc) = split(r, [&](node* v) { return v->id > med; }); int64_t ret = 0; if (lc) ret += 1LL * med * lc->sz - lc->sum; if (rc) ret += rc->sum - 1LL * med * rc->sz; r = merge(lc, rc); return ret; }; int64_t ans = eval(root); for (int i = 1; i + K <= N; ++i) { root = remove(find(root, [&](node* v) { return (v->id != A[i - 1]) * (A[i - 1] < v->id ? -1 : +1); }).first); root = add(root, new node(A[i + K - 1]), [&](node* v) { return A[i + K - 1] < v->id; }); ans = min(ans, eval(root)); } cout << ans << endl; }