import import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue import scala.annotation.tailrec // PriorityQueue[Long]()(scala.math.Ordering.Long.reverse) object Lib { object Number { // @return Array length is equal to 'n'. // Kth element of Array is true if K is prime else false. final def sieve(n : Int) : Array[Boolean] = { val isprime = Array.fill(n+1)(true) isprime(0) = false isprime(1) = false for(i <- 2 to Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(n.toDouble)).toInt; if isprime(i); j <- i*i to n by i){ isprime(j) = false } isprime } // @return Array of primes that is less than or equal to n final def primes(n : Int) : Array[Int] = sieve(n).zipWithIndex.withFilter(_._1).map(_._2) } object EnRich { implicit class AString(val self : String) extends AnyVal { def splitToIntArray = self.split(" ").map(_.toInt) } } } import Lib.EnRich._ object Main { def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = { val (a,b,x,y) = { val abxy = readLine() (abxy(0),abxy(1),abxy(2),abxy(3)) } val ret = if(x/a <= y/b) x+x/a*b // many cofee else y+y/b*a //many tea println(ret) } }