local mce, mfl, msq, mmi, mma, mab = math.ceil, math.floor, math.sqrt, math.min, math.max, math.abs local function getprimes(x) local primes = {} local allnums = {} for i = 1, x do allnums[i] = true end for i = 2, x do if(allnums[i]) then table.insert(primes, i) local lim = mfl(x / i) for j = 2, lim do allnums[j * i] = false end end end return primes end local function getdivisorparts(x, primes) local prime_num = #primes local tmp = {} local lim = mce(msq(x)) local primepos = 1 local dv = primes[primepos] while(primepos <= prime_num and dv <= lim) do if(x % dv == 0) then local asdf = {} asdf.p = dv asdf.cnt = 1 x = x / dv while(x % dv == 0) do x = x / dv asdf.cnt = asdf.cnt + 1 end table.insert(tmp, asdf) lim = mce(msq(x)) end if(primepos == prime_num) then break end primepos = primepos + 1 dv = primes[primepos] end if(x ~= 1) then local asdf = {} asdf.p, asdf.cnt = x, 1 table.insert(tmp, asdf) end return tmp end local function getxor(x, y) local ret = 0 local mul = 1 while(0 < x or 0 < y) do if((x % 2) + (y % 2) == 1) then ret = ret + mul end x, y, mul = mfl(x / 2), mfl(y / 2), mul * 2 end return ret end local n = io.read("*n") local primes = getprimes(mce(msq(n))) local divp = getdivisorparts(n, primes) local z = 0 for i = 1, #divp do local c = divp[i].cnt z = getxor(z, c) end print(z == 0 and "Bob" or "Alice")