//tempa //#pragma GCC optimize ("-O3") #ifdef _DEBUG #include #include "bits_stdc++.h" #else #include #endif #define t_T template using namespace std; //@起動時 struct initon { initon() { cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(16); srand((unsigned) clock() + (unsigned) time(NULL)); }; } __initon; //衝突対策 #define ws ___ws #define over4(o1, o2, o3, o4, name, ...) name #define int long long #define ll long long #define double long double #define ull unsigned long long using dou = double; using itn = int; using str = string; using bo= bool; #define au auto using P = pair; #define fi first #define se second #define vec vector #define beg begin #define rbeg rbegin #define con continue #define bre break #define brk break #define is == using vi = vector; using vb = vector; using vs = vector; using vd = vector; using vc = vector; using vp = vector

; //#define V vector #define vvt0(t) vector> #define vvt1(t, a) vector>a #define vvt2(t, a, b) vector>a(b) #define vvt3(t, a, b, c) vector> a(b,vector(c)) #define vvt4(t, a, b, c, d) vector> a(b,vector(c,d)) #define vvi(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(ll,__VA_ARGS__) #define vvb(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(bool,__VA_ARGS__) #define vvs(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(string,__VA_ARGS__) #define vvd(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(double,__VA_ARGS__) #define vvc(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(char,__VA_ARGS__) #define vvp(...) over4(__VA_ARGS__,vvt4,vvt3,vvt2 ,vvt1,vvt0)(P,__VA_ARGS__) #define v3i(a, b, c, d) vector> a(b, vector(c, vi(d))) #define v3d(a, b, c, d) vector> a(b, vector(c, vd(d))) #define v3m(a, b, c, d) vector> a(b, vector(c, vm(d))) #define PQ priority_queue, greater > #define tos to_string using mapi = map; using mapd = map; using mapc = map; using maps = map; using seti = set; using setd = set; using setc = set; using sets = set; using qui = queue; #define bset bitset #define uset unordered_set #define mset multiset #define umap unordered_map #define umapi unordered_map #define umapp unordered_map #define mmap multimap //マクロ 繰り返し #define _overloadrep(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name # define _rep(i, n) for(int i = 0,_lim=n; i < _lim ; i++) #define repi(i, m, n) for(int i = m,_lim=n; i < _lim ; i++) #define repadd(i, m, n, ad) for(int i = m,_lim=n; i < _lim ; i+= ad) #define rep(...) _overloadrep(__VA_ARGS__,repadd,repi,_rep,)(__VA_ARGS__) #define _rer(i, n) for(int i = n; i >= 0 ; i--) #define reri(i, m, n) for(int i = m,_lim=n; i >= _lim ; i--) #define rerdec(i, m, n, dec) for(int i = m,_lim=n; i >= _lim ; i-=dec) #define rer(...) _overloadrep(__VA_ARGS__,rerdec,reri,_rer,)(__VA_ARGS__) #define fora(a, b) for(auto&& a : b) //マクロ 定数 #define k3 1010 #define k4 10101 #define k5 101010 #define k6 1010101 #define k7 10101010 template T MAX() { return numeric_limits::max(); } template T MIN() { return numeric_limits::min(); } const int inf = (int) 1e9 + 100; const ll linf = (ll) 1e18 + 100; t_T T INF() { return MAX() / 2; } template<> signed INF() { return inf; } template<> ll INF() { return linf; } template<> double INF() { return (double) linf * linf; } const double eps = 1e-9; const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029L; ll ma = numeric_limits::min(); ll mi = numeric_limits::max(); const int y4[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0}; const int x4[] = {0, 0, -1, 1}; const int y8[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1}; const int x8[] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1}; //マクロ省略形 関数等 #define sz(a) ((int)(a).size()) #define rs resize #define mp make_pair #define mt make_tuple #define pb push_back #define pf push_front #define eb emplace_back #define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define rall(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend() /*@formatter:off*/ inline void sort(string &a) { sort(all(a)); } t_T inline void sort(vector &a) { sort(all(a)); }; t_T inline void rsort(vector &a) { sort(all(a), greater()); }; template inline void sortp(vector &a, vector &b) { vp c; int n = sz(a); assert(n == sz(b)); rep(i, n)c.eb(a[i], b[i]); sort(c); rep(i, n) { a[i] = c[i].first; b[i] = c[i].second;; }};//F = T //例えばreturn p.fi + p.se; template inline void rsortp(vector &a, vector &b) { vp c; int n = sz(a); assert(n == sz(b)); rep(i, n)c.eb(a[i], b[i]); rsort(c); rep(i, n) { a[i] = c[i].first; b[i] = c[i].second; }}; template void fill(V &xx, const T vall) {xx = vall;} template void fill(vector &vecc, const T vall) {for (auto &&vx: vecc) fill(vx, vall);} //@汎用便利関数 入力 template T _in() {T x;cin >> x;return (x);} #define _overloadin(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name #define in0() _in() #define in1(a) cin>>a #define in2(a, b) cin>>a>>b #define in3(a, b, c) cin>>a>>b>>c #define in4(a, b, c, d) cin>>a>>b>>c>>d #define in(...) _overloadin(__VA_ARGS__,in4,in3,in2 ,in1,in0)(__VA_ARGS__) #define _overloaddin(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name #define din1(a) int a;cin>>a #define din2(a, b) int a,b;cin>>a>>b #define din3(a, b, c) int a,b,c;cin>>a>>b>>c #define din4(a, b, c, d) int a,b,c,d;cin>>a>>b>>c>>d #define din(...) _overloadin(__VA_ARGS__,din4,din3,din2 ,din1)(__VA_ARGS__) #define _overloaddind(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name #define din1d(a) int a;cin>>a;a-- #define din2d(a, b) int a,b;cin>>a>>b;a--,b-- #define din3d(a, b, c) int a,b,c;cin>>a>>b>>c;a--,b--,c-- #define din4d(a, b, c, d) int a,b,c,d;cin>>a>>b>>c>>d;;a--,b--,c--,d-- #define dind(...) _overloaddind(__VA_ARGS__,din4d,din3d,din2d ,din1d)(__VA_ARGS__) template void resize(W &vec_, const H head) { vec_.resize(head); } template void resize(W &vec_, const H &head, const T ... tail) {vec_.resize(head);for (auto &v: vec_)resize(v, tail...);} string sin() { return _in(); } ll lin() { return _in(); } t_T void na(vector &a, ll n) {a.resize(n);rep(i, n)cin >> a[i];} #define dna(a, n) vi a; na(a, n);/*nを複数使うと n==in()の時バグる事に注意*/ #define dnad(a, n) vi a; nad(a, n); t_T void nad(vector &a, ll n) {a.resize(n);rep(i, n)cin >> a[i], a[i]--;} template void na2(vector &a, vector &b, ll n) {a.resize(n);b.resize(n);rep(i, n)cin >> a[i] >> b[i];} #define dna2(a, b, n) vi a,b; na2(a,b,n); template void na3(vector &a, vector &b, vector &c, ll n) {a.resize(n);b.resize(n);c.resize(n);rep(i, n)cin >> a[i] >> b[i] >> c[i];} #define nt(a, h, w) resize(a,h,w);rep(nthi,h)rep(ntwi,w) cin >> a[nthi][ntwi]; #define ntd(a, h, w) resize(a,h,w);rep(ntdhi,h)rep(ntdwi,w) cin >> a[ntdhi][ntdwi], a[ntdhi][ntdwi]--; #define ntp(a, h, w) resize(a,h+2,w+2);fill(a,'#');rep(ntphi,1,h+1)rep(ntpwi,1,w+1) cin >> a[ntphi][ntpwi]; #define dnt(S, h, w) vvi(S,h,w);nt(S,h,w); #define dntc(S, h, w) vvc(S,h,w);nt(S,h,w); #define dnts(S, h, w) vvs(S,h,w);nt(S,h,w); #define require_t(bo) enable_if_t* = nullptr //デバッグ #define sp << " " << constexpr int DEB_LEN =20; constexpr int DEB_LEN_H =12; string deb_tos(const int &v) { if (abs(v) == inf || abs(v) == linf)return "e"; else return to_string(v); } template::value)> string deb_tos(const T &a) {stringstream ss;ss << a;return ss.str();} template string deb_tos(const vector &a, ll W = inf) { stringstream ss; if (W == inf)W = min(sz(a), DEB_LEN); if (sz(a) == 0)return ss.str(); rep(i, W) { ss << deb_tos(a[i]); if (typeid(a[i]) == typeid(P)) { ss << endl; } else { ss << " "; } } return ss.str();} template string deb_tos(const vector > &a, vi H, vi W, int key = -1) { stringstream ss; ss << endl; vi lens(sz(W)); fora(h, H) { rep(wi, sz(W)) { lens[wi] = max(lens[wi], sz(deb_tos(a[h][W[wi]])) + 1); lens[wi] = max(lens[wi], sz(deb_tos(W[wi])) + 1); } } if (key == -1)ss << " *|"; else ss << " " << key << "|"; int wi = 0; fora(w, W) { ss << std::right << std::setw(lens[wi]) << w; wi++; } ss << "" << endl; rep(i, sz(W))rep(_, lens[i]) ss << "_"; rep(i, 3)ss << "_"; ss << "" << endl; fora(h, H) { ss << std::right << std::setw(2) << h << "|"; int wi = 0; fora(w, W) { ss << std::right << std::setw(lens[wi]) << deb_tos(a[h][w]); wi++; } ss << "" << endl; } return ss.str();} template string deb_tos(const vector > &a, ll H = inf, ll W = inf, int key = -1) { H = (H != inf) ? H : min({H, sz(a), DEB_LEN_H}); W = min({W, sz(a[0]), DEB_LEN_H}); vi hs, ws; rep(h, H) { hs.push_back(h); } rep(w, W) { ws.push_back(w); } return deb_tos(a, hs, ws, key);} template string deb_tos(const vector > > &a, ll H = inf) { stringstream ss; if (H == inf)H = DEB_LEN_H; H = min(H, sz(a)); rep(i, H) { ss << endl; ss << deb_tos(a[i], inf, inf, i); } return ss.str();} template string deb_tos(T (&a)[A]) { return deb_tos(vector(begin(a), end(a))); } template string deb_tos(T (&a)[A][B]) { return deb_tos(vector >(begin(a), end(a))); } template string deb_tos(T (&a)[A][B][C]) { return deb_tos(vector > >(begin(a), end(a))); } #define debugName(VariableName) # VariableName #define _deb1(x) cerr << debugName(x)<<" = "< auto rev(const T &v, int i) {return v[sz(v) - 1 - i];} t_T vector rev(vector &a) { auto b = a; reverse(all(b)); return b;} str rev(str &a) {str s = a;reverse(all(s));return s;} ll ceil(ll a, ll b) {if (b == 0) {cerr<<"ceil"< tv)break; } if (v > 1)res.pb(v); return res;} inline bool inside(int h, int w, int H, int W) { return h >= 0 && w >= 0 && h < H && w < W; } inline bool inside(int v, int l, int r) { return l <= v && v < r; } t_T vector ruiv(vector &a) { vector ret(a.size() + 1); rep(i, a.size())ret[i + 1] = ret[i] + a[i]; return ret;} //imoは0-indexed //ruiは1-indexed t_T vector imo(vector &v) { vector ret = v; rep(i, sz(ret) - 1)ret[i + 1] += ret[i]; return ret;} #define ins inside ll u0(ll a) { return a < 0 ? 0 : a; } t_T vector u(const vector &a) { vector ret = a;fora(v, ret)v = u0(v);return ret;} template pair operator+(const pair &a, const pair & b) {return pair(a.fi+b.fi,a.se+b.se);} void yn(bool a) { if (a)cout << "yes" << endl; else cout << "no" << endl; } void Yn(bool a) { if (a)cout << "Yes" << endl; else cout << "No" << endl; } void YN(bool a) { if (a)cout << "YES" << endl; else cout << "NO" << endl; } void fyn(bool a) { if (a)cout << "yes" << endl; else cout << "no" << endl; exit(0); } void fYn(bool a) { if (a)cout << "Yes" << endl; else cout << "No" << endl; exit(0); } void fYN(bool a) { if (a)cout << "YES" << endl; else cout << "NO" << endl; exit(0); } void Possible(bool a) { if (a)cout << "Possible" << endl; else cout << "Impossible" << endl; exit(0); } void POSSIBLE(bool a) { if (a)cout << "POSSIBLE" << endl; else cout << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl; exit(0); } template set &operator+=(set &a, U v) { a.insert(v); return a; } template vector &operator+=(vector &a, U v) { a.push_back(v); return a; } template vector& operator+=(vector & a,const vector & b){ rep(i, sz(b))a += b[i]; return a; } t_T T sum(vector &v, int s = 0, int t = inf) { T ret = 0; rep(i, s, min(sz(v), t))ret += v[i]; return ret;} void mod(int &a, int m) { a = (a % m + m) % m; } template inline int mgr(int ok, int ng, F f) { #define _mgrbody int mid = (ok + ng) / 2; if (f(mid))ok = mid; else ng = mid; if (ok < ng)while (ng - ok > 1) { _mgrbody } else while (ok - ng > 1) { _mgrbody } return ok; } template inline int mgr(int ok, int ng, int second, F f) { #define _mgrbody2 int mid = (ok + ng) / 2; if (f(mid, second))ok = mid; else ng = mid; if (ok < ng) while (ng - ok > 1) { _mgrbody2 } else while (ok - ng > 1) { _mgrbody2 } return ok; } template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, vector &m) { rep(i, sz(m)){os << m[i];if(i < sz(m)-1)os<<" ";} return os;} ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, vector &m) {rep(i, sz(m)){os << m[i];} return os;} template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, vector> &m) {rep(i, sz(m)){os << m[i]; if(i < sz(m)-1)os << endl;} return os;} constexpr bool bget(ll m, int keta) { return (m >> keta) & 1; } int bget(ll m, int keta, int sinsuu) {m /= (ll) pow(sinsuu, keta);return m % sinsuu;} ll bit(int n) { return (1LL << (n)); } ll bit(int n, int sinsuu) { return (ll) pow(sinsuu, n); } int mask(int n) { return (1ll << n) - 1; } #define bcou __builtin_popcountll template inline bool chma(T &a, const U &b) {if (a < b) {a = b;return true;}return false;} template inline bool chma(const U &b) { return chma(ma, b); } template inline bool chmi(T &a, const U &b) { if (b < a) { a = b; return true; } return false;} template inline bool chmi(const U &b) { return chmi(mi, b); } #define unique(v) v.erase( unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end() ); int max(vi &a) { int res = a[0]; fora(v, a) { res = max(res, v); } return res;} int min(vi &a) { int res = a[0]; fora(v, a) { res = min(res, v); } return res;} template class fixed_point : T {public: explicit constexpr fixed_point(T &&t) noexcept: T(std::forward(t)) {} template constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const { return T::operator()(*this, std::forward(args)...); }};template static inline constexpr decltype(auto) fix(T &&t) noexcept { return fixed_point{std::forward(t)}; } constexpr ll h4[] = {1, -1, 0, 0}; constexpr ll w4[] = {0, 0, -1, 1}; constexpr ll h8[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1}; constexpr ll w8[] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1}; int mei_inc(int h, int w, int H, int W, int i) {while (++i < 4) { if (inside(h + h4[i], w + w4[i], H, W))return i; }return i;} #define mei(nh, nw, h, w) for (int i = mei_inc(h, w, H, W, -1), nh = i<4? h + h4[i] : 0, nw = i<4? w + w4[i] : 0; i < 4; i=mei_inc(h,w,H,W,i), nh = h+h4[i], nw = w+w4[i]) int mei_inc8(int h, int w, int H, int W, int i) { while (++i < 8) { if (inside(h + h8[i], w + w8[i], H, W))return i; } return i;} #define mei8(nh, nw, h, w) for (int i = mei_inc8(h, w, H, W, -1), nh = i<8? h + h8[i] : 0, nw = i<8? w + w8[i] : 0; i < 8; i=mei_inc8(h,w,H,W,i), nh = h+h8[i], nw = w+w8[i]) int mei_incv(int h, int w, int H, int W, int i, vp &p) { while (++i < sz(p)) { if (inside(h + p[i].fi, w + p[i].se, H, W))return i; } return i;} #define meiv(nh, nw, h, w, p) for (int i = mei_incv(h, w, H, W, -1, p), nh = i void out2(T head, U ... tail) { cout << head << " "; out2(tail...);} template void out(T head, U ... tail) { cout << head << " "; out2(tail...); cout << "" << endl;} t_T void out(T head) { cout << head << endl; } void out() { cout << "" << endl; } #define lowerIndex(a, v) (lower_bound(all(a),v)-a.begin()) #define upperIndex(a, v) (uppereturnbound(all(a),v)-a.begin()) template vector make_v(size_t a) { return vector(a); } template auto make_v(size_t a, Ts... ts) { return vector(ts...))>(a, make_v(ts...)); } #define vni(name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define vnb(name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define vns(name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define vnd(name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define vnc(name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define vnp(name, ...) auto name = make_v

(__VA_ARGS__) #define vn(type, name, ...) auto name = make_v(__VA_ARGS__) #define VEC vector /*@formatter:on*/ int N, M, H, W; vi A, B, C; //@formatter:off //よく使うクラス、構造体 struct unionfind { vector par; vector siz; vector es; ll n, trees;//連結グループの数(親の種類) unionfind(ll n) : n(n), trees(n) { par.resize(n); siz.resize(n); es.resize(n); for (ll i = 0; i < n; i++) { par[i] = i; siz[i] = 1; } } ll root(ll x) { if (par[x] == x) { return x; } else { return par[x] = root(par[x]); }} bool unite(ll x, ll y) { x = root(x); y = root(y); es[x]++; if (x == y) return false; if (siz[x] > siz[y]) swap(x, y); trees--; par[x] = y; siz[y] += siz[x]; es[y] += es[x]; return true; } bool same(ll x, ll y) { return root(x) == root(y); } ll size(ll x) { return siz[root(x)]; } ll esize(ll x) { return es[root(x)]; } vi sizes(){ vi cou(n); vi ret; ret.reserve(n); rep(i, n){ cou[root (i)]++; } rep(i, n){ if(cou[i])ret.push_back(cou[i]); } return ret; } //つながりを無向グラフと見なし、xが閉路に含まれるか判定 bool close(ll x) { return esize(x) >= size(x); } vec sets() { vi ind(n, -1); ll i = 0; vvi(res, trees); rep(j, n) { ll r = root(j); if (ind[r] == -1)ind[r] = i++; res[ind[r]].push_back(j); } rep(i, trees) { ll r = root(res[i][0]); if (res[i][0] == r)continue; rep(j, 1, sz(res[i])) { if (res[i][j] == r) { swap(res[i][0], res[i][j]); break; } } } return res; } }; /*@formatter:off*/ #define forg(gi, ve) for (ll gi = 0,forglim = ve.size(), f, t, c; gi < forglim && (f = ve[gi].f, t = ve[gi].t, c = ve[gi].c, true); ++gi) #define fort(gi, ve) for (ll gi = 0, f, t, c; gi < ve.size() && (f = ve[gi].f, t = ve[gi].t, c = ve[gi].c, true); ++gi)if(t!=p) #define fore(gi, ve) for (ll gi = 0,forglim = ve.size(), f, t, c,ty, id; gi < forglim && (f = ve[gi].f, t = ve[gi].t, c = ve[gi].c, id=ve[gi].id, ty = ve[gi].ty, true); ++gi) //typeが追加される #define forg2(gi, ve) for (ll gi = 0,forglim = ve.size(), f, t, c,ty; gi < forglim && (f = ve[gi].f, t = ve[gi].t, c = ve[gi].c,ty=ve[gi].ty, true); ++gi) #define fort2(gi, ve) for (ll gi = 0, f, t, c,ty; gi < ve.size() && (f = ve[gi].f, t = ve[gi].t, c = ve[gi].c,ty=ve[gi].ty, true); ++gi)if(t!=p) template struct edge { int f, t; T c; int id; int ty; edge(int f, int t, T c = 1, int ty = -1,int id = -1) : f(f), t(t), c(c), id(id), ty(ty) {} bool operator<(const edge &b) const { return c < b.c; } bool operator>(const edge &b) const { return c > b.c; }}; template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, edge &e) { os << e.f << " " << e.t << " " << e.c; return os;} template class graph {protected: vector usedv;public : vector>> g; vector> edges; int n; graph(int n) : n(n) { g.resize(n), usedv.resize(n); } void clear() { g.clear(), edges.clear(); } void resize(int n) { this->n = n; g.resize(n); usedv.resize(n); } int size() { return g.size(); } vector > &operator[](int i) { return g[i]; } virtual void add(int f, int t, T c, int ty ,int id) = 0; virtual bool used(edge &e) = 0; virtual bool used(int id) = 0; virtual void del(edge &e) = 0; virtual void del(int id) = 0; virtual void set_edges() = 0;}; template class digraph : public graph { public: using graph::g; using graph::n; using graph::edges; using graph::usedv; int eid = 0; digraph(int n) : graph(n) {} void add(int f, int t, T c = 1, int ty = -1,int id = -1) { if (!(0 <= f && f < n && 0 <= t && t < n)) { debugline("digraph add"); deb(f, t, c, ty,id); } if (id == -1)id = eid++; g[f].emplace_back(f, t, c, ty,id); edges.emplace_back(f, t, c, ty,id); } void ing(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t; cin >> f >> t; f -= minus; t -= minus; add(f, t); } } void ingc(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t, c; cin >> f >> t >> c; f -= minus; t -= minus; add(f, t,c); } } void ingct(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t, c,ty; cin >> f >> t >> c>>ty; f -= minus; t -= minus; ty -= minus; add(f, t,c,ty); } } void ingtc(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t, c,ty; cin >> f >> t >> ty>>c; f -= minus; t -= minus; ty -= minus; add(f, t,c,ty); } } bool used(edge &e) { return usedv[e.id]; } bool used(int id) { return usedv[id]; } void del(edge &e) { usedv[e.id] = 1; } void del(int id) { usedv[id] = 1; } void set_edges() { if (sz(edges))return; rep(i, n)fora(e, g[i])edges.push_back(e); } }; template class undigraph : public graph { public: using graph::g; using graph::n; using graph::edges; using graph::usedv; int eid = 0; undigraph(int n) : graph(n) {} // f < t void add(int f, int t, T c = 1, int ty = -1, int id = -1) { if (!(0 <= f && f < n && 0 <= t && t < n)) { debugline("undigraph add"); // deb(f, t, c, ty, id); ;; } if (id == -1)id = eid++; g[f].emplace_back(f, t, c, ty, id); g[t].emplace_back(t, f, c, ty, id); edges.emplace_back(f, t, c, ty, id);// edges.emplace_back(t, f, c, ty, id); } void add(edge &e) { int f = e.f, t = e.t, ty = e.ty; T c = e.c; add(f, t, c, ty); } void ing(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t; cin >> f >> t; f -= minus; t -= minus; add(f, t); } } void ingc(int n, int m, int minus = 1) {rep(i, m) { this->resize(n); int f, t, c; cin >> f >> t >> c; f -= minus; t -= minus; add(f, t, c); }} void ingct(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t, c, ty; cin >> f >> t >> c >> ty; f -= minus; t -= minus; ty -= minus; add(f, t, c, ty); } } void ingtc(int n,int m, int minus = 1) { this->resize(n); rep(i, m) { int f, t, c, ty; cin >> f >> t >> ty >> c; f -= minus; t -= minus; ty -= minus; add(f, t, c, ty); } } bool used(edge &e) { return usedv[e.id]; } bool used(int id) { return usedv[id]; } void del(edge &e) { usedv[e.id] = 1; } void del(int id) { usedv[id] = 1; } void set_edges() { if (sz(edges))return; rep(i, n)fora(e, g[i])edges.push_back(e); } }; template vector dijkstra(const graph &g, int s, int init_value = -1) { if (!(0 <= s && s < g.n)) { debugline("dijkstra"); deb(s, g.n);;; } T initValue = MAX(); vector dis(g.n, initValue); priority_queue, vector>, greater>> q; dis[s] = 0; q.emplace(0, s); while (q.size()) { T nowc = q.top().fi; int i = q.top().se; q.pop(); if (dis[i] != nowc)continue; for (auto &&e : g.g[i]) { int to = e.t; T c = nowc + e.c; if (dis[to] > c) { dis[to] = c; q.emplace(dis[to], to); } } } /*基本、たどり着かないなら-1*/ for (auto &&d :dis) if (d == initValue)d = init_value; return dis;} template vector> dijkstra_all(const graph &g, int init_value = -1) { vector> dis(g.n); rep(i, g.n) { dis[i] = dijkstra(g, i, init_value); } return dis; } //ret vector(dis,count); 最短経路とその通りを数える template auto dijkstra_cou(const graph &g, int s, int init_value = -1) {if (!(0 <= s && s < g.n)) { debugline("dijkstra"); deb(s, g.n);;; } T initValue = MAX(); vector dis(g.n, initValue); vi cou(g.n); cou[0] = 1; priority_queue, vector>, greater>> q; dis[s] = 0; q.emplace(0, s); while (q.size()) { T nowc = q.top().fi; int i = q.top().se; q.pop(); if (dis[i] != nowc)continue; for (auto &&e : g.g[i]) { int to = e.t; T c = nowc + e.c; if (dis[to] > c) { dis[to] = c; cou[to] = cou[e.f]; q.emplace(dis[to], to); } else if (dis[to] == c) { cou[to] += cou[e.f]; } } } /*基本、たどり着かないなら-1*/ for (auto &&d :dis) if (d == initValue)d = init_value; return vtop(dis, cou);} //コストを無限に減らせる := -linf //たどり着けない := linf /*頂点数がkの木を一つ返す サイズが0の木が帰ったら終了*/ //短い版 //13:14 #define use_epsdou #ifdef use_epsdou //基本コメントアウト struct epsdou { double v; epsdou(double v = 0) : v(v) {} template epsdou &operator+=(T b) { v += (double) b; return (*this); } template epsdou &operator-=(T b) { v -= (double) b; return (*this); } template epsdou &operator*=(T b) { v *= (double) b; return (*this); } template epsdou &operator/=(T b) { v /= (double) b; return (*this); } epsdou operator+(epsdou b) { return v + (double) b; } epsdou operator-(epsdou b) { return v - (double) b; } epsdou operator*(epsdou b) { return v * (double) b; } epsdou operator/(epsdou b) { return v / (double) b; } epsdou operator-() const { return epsdou(-v); } template bool operator<(T b) { return v < (double) b; } template bool operator>(T b) { auto r = (double) b; return v > (double) b; } template bool operator==(T b) { return fabs(v - (double) b) <= eps; } template bool operator<=(T b) { return v < (double) b || fabs(v - b) <= eps; } template bool operator>=(T b) { return v > (double) b || fabs(v - b) <= eps; } operator double() { return v; } }; template<> epsdou MAX() { return MAX(); } template<> epsdou MIN() { return MIN(); } //priqrity_queue等で使うのに必要 bool operator<(const epsdou &a, const epsdou &b) { return a.v < b.v; } bool operator>(const epsdou &a, const epsdou &b) { return a.v > b.v; } istream &operator>>(istream &iss, epsdou &a) { iss >> a.v; return iss; } ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const epsdou &a) { os << a.v; return os; } #define eps_conr_t(o) template epsdou operator o(T a, epsdou b) {return (dou) a o b.v;} #define eps_conl_t(o) template epsdou operator o(epsdou a, T b) {return a.v o (dou) b;} eps_conl_t(+) eps_conl_t(-) eps_conl_t(*) eps_conl_t(/) eps_conr_t(+) eps_conr_t(-) eps_conr_t(*) eps_conr_t(/) //template epsdou max(epsdou a, U b){return a.v>b ? a.v: b;} //template epsdou max(U a, epsdou b){return a>b.v ? a: b.v;} //template epsdou min(epsdou a, U b){return a.v epsdou min(U a, epsdou b){return a 0) return x>0 ? 1 : 2; else return x<0 ? 3 : 4; } //偏角でソート出来る bool operator<( D& v) { int o = ort(), vo = v.ort(); if (o != vo) return o < vo; return cross(v) > 0; } bool operator>( D &v) { int o = ort(), vo = v.ort(); if (o != vo) return o > vo; return cross(v) < 0; } //反時計回りで隣接する象限との境界にある、長さ1の点を返す //(+,+)で呼ぶと(0, 1)が返る D ort_bound_next(){ int i=ort(); assert(i); return D(ort_next_[i]); } //時計回り D ort_bound_prev(){ int i=ort(); assert(i); return D(ort_prev_[i]); } }; using dots = vector; double dis( D &p, D &q); bool eq(D a, D b){ return dis(a,b) <= eps;} //線分 struct E{ D f,t; E(D f=D(),D t=D()):f(f),t(t){} }; //円 struct R{ D o;//中心 double r;//半径 R():o(D(0,0)),r(0){} R(D o, dou r):o(o),r(r){} bool operator==(R b){return b.o == o && b.r == r;} }; istream& operator>>(istream& ist, D& v) {ist >> v.x >> v.y; return ist;} istream& operator>>(istream& ist, R& v) {ist >> v.o >> v.r; return ist;} ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, D& v) {os<<"("< g(N); rep(_, M) { dind(f, t); double c = dis(pos[f], pos[t]); deb(f, t, c); g.add(f, t, c); } out(dijkstra(g, X, -1)[Y]); } signed main() { solve(); return 0; }