import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8 import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.List as List getInt :: IO [Int] getInt = List.unfoldr f <$> BSC8.getLine where f s = do (n, s') <- BSC8.readInt s return (n, BSC8.dropWhile Char.isSpace s') getMultiLineInt :: Int -> IO [[Int]] getMultiLineInt n = Monad.replicateM n getInt main :: IO () main = do n <- readLn :: IO Int c <- readLn :: IO Int _ <- readLn :: IO Int xs <- map _func . List.transpose <$> getMultiLineInt 4 print $ solver n c xs type City = Int type Time = Int type Money = Int inf :: Int inf = 1000000007 _func :: [Int] -> ((City, City), (Money, Time)) _func (a:b:c:d:_) = ((a, b), (c, d)) _func _ = error "error" from :: ((c, b1), b2) -> c from = fst . fst to :: ((a, c), b) -> c to = snd . fst cost :: (a, (c, b)) -> c cost = fst . snd time :: (a1, (a2, c)) -> c time = snd . snd solver :: Int -> Int -> [((City, City), (Money, Time))] -> Int solver n c xs = if ans < inf then ans else -1 where ans = solver' 1 c solver' _n _c | _n == n = 0 | otherwise = List.foldr min inf [(table List.!! ((to r) - 1) List.!! (c - (cost r))) + (time r) | r <- es] where es = [r | r <- xs, (from r) == _n, _c - (cost r) >= 0] table = [[solver' _n _c | _c <- [0..c]] | _n <- [1..n]]