import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.BinaryOperator; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.LongConsumer; import java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ExtendedScanner sc = new ExtendedScanner(); FastPrintStream pw = new FastPrintStream(); solve(sc, pw); sc.close(); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } public static void solve(ExtendedScanner sc, FastPrintStream pw) { class X {int x;} X xor = new X(); MathUtil.forEachPrimeFactorPower(sc.nextInt(), pp -> xor.x ^= pp.index); pw.println(xor.x == 0 ? "Bob" : "Alice"); } } /** * @author */ class FastScanner implements AutoCloseable { private final ByteBuffer tokenBuf = new ByteBuffer(); private final in; private final byte[] rawBuf = new byte[1 << 14]; private int ptr = 0; private int buflen = 0; public FastScanner( in) { = in; } public FastScanner() { this(new; } private final int readByte() { if (ptr < buflen) return rawBuf[ptr++]; ptr = 0; try { buflen =; if (buflen > 0) { return rawBuf[ptr++]; } else { throw new; } } catch ( e) { throw new; } } private final int readByteUnsafe() { if (ptr < buflen) return rawBuf[ptr++]; ptr = 0; try { buflen =; if (buflen > 0) { return rawBuf[ptr++]; } else { return -1; } } catch ( e) { throw new; } } private final int skipUnprintableChars() { int b = readByte(); while (b <= 32 || b >= 127) b = readByte(); return b; } private final void loadToken() { tokenBuf.clear(); for (int b = skipUnprintableChars(); 32 < b && b < 127; b = readByteUnsafe()) { tokenBuf.append(b); } } public final boolean hasNext() { for (int b = readByteUnsafe(); b <= 32 || b >= 127; b = readByteUnsafe()) { if (b == -1) return false; } --ptr; return true; } public final String next() { loadToken(); return new String(tokenBuf.getRawBuf(), 0, tokenBuf.size()); } public final String nextLine() { tokenBuf.clear(); for (int b = readByte(); b != '\n'; b = readByteUnsafe()) { if (b == -1) break; tokenBuf.append(b); } return new String(tokenBuf.getRawBuf(), 0, tokenBuf.size()); } public final char nextChar() { return (char) skipUnprintableChars(); } public final char[] nextChars() { loadToken(); return tokenBuf.toCharArray(); } public final long nextLong() { long n = 0; boolean isNegative = false; int b = skipUnprintableChars(); if (b == '-') { isNegative = true; b = readByteUnsafe(); } if (b < '0' || '9' < b) throw new NumberFormatException(); while ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { // -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807 if (n >= 922337203685477580l) { if (n > 922337203685477580l) { throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow"); } if (isNegative) { if (b >= '9') { throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow"); } n = -n - (b + '0'); b = readByteUnsafe(); if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow"); } else if (b <= 32 || b >= 127) { return n; } else { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } else { if (b >= '8') { throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow"); } n = n * 10 + b - '0'; b = readByteUnsafe(); if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow"); } else if (b <= 32 || b >= 127) { return n; } else { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } } n = n * 10 + b - '0'; b = readByteUnsafe(); } if (b <= 32 || b >= 127) return isNegative ? -n : n; throw new NumberFormatException(); } public final int nextInt() { long value = nextLong(); if ((int) value != value) { throw new ArithmeticException("int overflow"); } return (int) value; } public final double nextDouble() { return Double.parseDouble(next()); } public final void close() { try { in.close(); } catch ( e) { throw new; } } private static final class ByteBuffer { private static final int DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE = 1 << 12; private byte[] buf; private int ptr = 0; private ByteBuffer(int capacity) { this.buf = new byte[capacity]; } private ByteBuffer() { this(DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE); } private ByteBuffer append(int b) { if (ptr == buf.length) { int newLength = buf.length << 1; byte[] newBuf = new byte[newLength]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newBuf, 0, buf.length); buf = newBuf; } buf[ptr++] = (byte) b; return this; } private char[] toCharArray() { char[] chs = new char[ptr]; for (int i = 0; i < ptr; i++) { chs[i] = (char) buf[i]; } return chs; } private byte[] getRawBuf() { return buf; } private int size() { return ptr; } private void clear() { ptr = 0; } } } /** * @author */ final class ExtendedScanner extends FastScanner { public ExtendedScanner() {super();} public ExtendedScanner(InputStream in) {super(in);} public int[] ints(final int n) { final int[] a = new int[n]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> nextInt()); return a; } public int[] ints(final int n, final IntUnaryOperator f) { final int[] a = new int[n]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> f.applyAsInt(nextInt())); return a; } public int[][] ints(final int n, final int m) { final int[][] a = new int[n][]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> ints(m)); return a; } public int[][] ints(final int n, final int m, final IntUnaryOperator f) { final int[][] a = new int[n][]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> ints(m, f)); return a; } public long[] longs(final int n) { final long[] a = new long[n]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> nextLong()); return a; } public long[] longs(final int n, final LongUnaryOperator f) { final long[] a = new long[n]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> f.applyAsLong(nextLong())); return a; } public long[][] longs(final int n, final int m) { final long[][] a = new long[n][]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> longs(m)); return a; } public long[][] longs(final int n, final int m, final LongUnaryOperator f) { final long[][] a = new long[n][]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> longs(m, f)); return a; } public char[][] charArrays(final int n) { final char[][] c = new char[n][]; Arrays.setAll(c, $ -> nextChars()); return c; } public double[] doubles(final int n) { final double[] a = new double[n]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> nextDouble()); return a; } public double[][] doubles(final int n, final int m) { final double[][] a = new double[n][]; Arrays.setAll(a, $ -> doubles(m)); return a; } public String[] strings(final int n) { final String[] s = new String[n]; Arrays.setAll(s, $ -> next()); return s; } } class LongPrimePower { public final long prime; public final int index; LongPrimePower(long prime, int index) { = prime; this.index = index; } } /** * @author */ class FastPrintStream implements AutoCloseable { private static final int INT_MAX_LEN = 11; private static final int LONG_MAX_LEN = 20; private int precision = 9; private static final int BUF_SIZE = 1 << 14; private static final int BUF_SIZE_MINUS_INT_MAX_LEN = BUF_SIZE - INT_MAX_LEN; private static final int BUF_SIZE_MINUS_LONG_MAX_LEN = BUF_SIZE - LONG_MAX_LEN; private final byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; private int ptr = 0; private final java.lang.reflect.Field strField; private final java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder encoder; private final out; public FastPrintStream( out) { this.out = out; java.lang.reflect.Field f; try { f = java.lang.String.class.getDeclaredField("value"); f.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { f = null; } this.strField = f; this.encoder = java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII.newEncoder(); } public FastPrintStream( file) throws { this(new; } public FastPrintStream(java.lang.String filename) throws { this(new; } public FastPrintStream() { this(new; } public FastPrintStream println() { if (ptr == BUF_SIZE) internalFlush(); buf[ptr++] = (byte) '\n'; return this; } public FastPrintStream println(java.lang.Object o) { return print(o).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(java.lang.String s) { return print(s).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(char[] s) { return print(s).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(char c) { return print(c).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(int x) { return print(x).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(long x) { return print(x).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(double d, int precision) { return print(d, precision).println(); } public FastPrintStream println(double d) { return print(d).println(); } private FastPrintStream print(byte[] bytes) { int n = bytes.length; if (ptr + n > BUF_SIZE) { internalFlush(); try { out.write(bytes); } catch ( e) { throw new; } } else { System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buf, ptr, n); ptr += n; } return this; } public FastPrintStream print(java.lang.Object o) { return print(o.toString()); } public FastPrintStream print(java.lang.String s) { if (strField == null) { return print(s.getBytes()); } else { try { Object value = strField.get(s); if (value instanceof byte[]) { return print((byte[]) value); } else { return print((char[]) value); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { return print(s.getBytes()); } } } public FastPrintStream print(char[] s) { try { return print(encoder.encode(java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap(s)).array()); } catch (java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException e) { byte[] bytes = new byte[s.length]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) s[i]; } return print(bytes); } } public FastPrintStream print(char c) { if (ptr == BUF_SIZE) internalFlush(); buf[ptr++] = (byte) c; return this; } public FastPrintStream print(int x) { if (ptr > BUF_SIZE_MINUS_INT_MAX_LEN) internalFlush(); if (-10 < x && x < 10) { if (x < 0) { buf[ptr++] = '-'; x = -x; } buf[ptr++] = (byte) ('0' + x); return this; } int d; if (x < 0) { if (x == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { buf[ptr++] = '-'; buf[ptr++] = '2'; buf[ptr++] = '1'; buf[ptr++] = '4'; buf[ptr++] = '7'; buf[ptr++] = '4'; buf[ptr++] = '8'; buf[ptr++] = '3'; buf[ptr++] = '6'; buf[ptr++] = '4'; buf[ptr++] = '8'; return this; } d = len(x = -x); buf[ptr++] = '-'; } else { d = len(x); } int j = ptr += d; while (x > 0) { buf[--j] = (byte) ('0' + (x % 10)); x /= 10; } return this; } public FastPrintStream print(long x) { if ((int) x == x) return print((int) x); if (ptr > BUF_SIZE_MINUS_LONG_MAX_LEN) internalFlush(); int d; if (x < 0) { if (x == Long.MIN_VALUE) { buf[ptr++] = '-'; buf[ptr++] = '9'; buf[ptr++] = '2'; buf[ptr++] = '2'; buf[ptr++] = '3'; buf[ptr++] = '3'; buf[ptr++] = '7'; buf[ptr++] = '2'; buf[ptr++] = '0'; buf[ptr++] = '3'; buf[ptr++] = '6'; buf[ptr++] = '8'; buf[ptr++] = '5'; buf[ptr++] = '4'; buf[ptr++] = '7'; buf[ptr++] = '7'; buf[ptr++] = '5'; buf[ptr++] = '8'; buf[ptr++] = '0'; buf[ptr++] = '8'; return this; } d = len(x = -x); buf[ptr++] = '-'; } else { d = len(x); } int j = ptr += d; while (x > 0) { buf[--j] = (byte) ('0' + (x % 10)); x /= 10; } return this; } public FastPrintStream print(double d, int precision) { if (d < 0) { print('-'); d = -d; } d += Math.pow(10, -precision) / 2; print((long) d).print('.'); d -= (long) d; for(int i = 0; i < precision; i++){ d *= 10; print((int) d); d -= (int) d; } return this; } public FastPrintStream print(double d) { return print(d, precision); } public void setPrecision(int precision) { this.precision = precision; } private void internalFlush() { try { out.write(buf, 0, ptr); ptr = 0; } catch ( e) { throw new; } } public void flush() { try { out.write(buf, 0, ptr); out.flush(); ptr = 0; } catch ( e) { throw new; } } public void close() { try { out.close(); } catch ( e) { throw new; } } private static int len(int x) { return x >= 1000000000 ? 10 : x >= 100000000 ? 9 : x >= 10000000 ? 8 : x >= 1000000 ? 7 : x >= 100000 ? 6 : x >= 10000 ? 5 : x >= 1000 ? 4 : x >= 100 ? 3 : x >= 10 ? 2 : 1; } private static int len(long x) { return x >= 1000000000000000000l ? 19 : x >= 100000000000000000l ? 18 : x >= 10000000000000000l ? 17 : x >= 1000000000000000l ? 16 : x >= 100000000000000l ? 15 : x >= 10000000000000l ? 14 : x >= 1000000000000l ? 13 : x >= 100000000000l ? 12 : x >= 10000000000l ? 11 : 10; } } /** * @author */ final class MathUtil { private MathUtil(){} public static void forEachPrimeFactorPower(long n, Consumer con) { for (long p = 2; p * p <= n; p++) { int q = 0; while (n % p == 0) { n /= p; q++; } if (q > 0) con.accept(new LongPrimePower(p, q)); } if (n > 1) con.accept(new LongPrimePower(n, 1)); } public static ArrayList factorizeToList(long n) { ArrayList factors = new ArrayList<>(); forEachPrimeFactorPower(n, factors::add); return factors; } public static HashMap factorizeToMap(long n) { HashMap factors = new HashMap<>(); forEachPrimeFactorPower(n, pp -> factors.put(, pp.index)); return factors; } public static void forEachDivisor(long n, LongConsumer con) { for (long i = 1; i * i <= n; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { con.accept(i); long j = n / i; if (i != j) con.accept(j); } } } public static ArrayList divisors(long n) { ArrayList div = new ArrayList<>(); forEachDivisor(n, div::add); return div; } public static HashMap factorizedLCM(long a, long b) { return MapUtil.merge(factorizeToMap(a), factorizeToMap(b), Integer::max); } public static HashMap factorizedLCM(long... xs) { HashMap lcm = new HashMap<>(); for (long x : xs) lcm = MapUtil.merge(lcm, factorizeToMap(x), Integer::max); return lcm; } public static long lcm(long a, long b) { return (a / gcd(a, b)) * b; } public static long gcd(long a, long b) { if ((a = Math.abs(a)) < (b = Math.abs(b))) { long tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } if (a == 0 || b == 0) return a ^ b; for (long r = a % b; r != 0; r = a % b) { a = b; b = r; } return b; } public static long gcd(long... xs) { long gcd = 0; for (long x : xs) gcd = gcd(gcd, x); return gcd; } /** * Return one of the solutions to {@code ax+by=gcd(a, b)}. * * @return {@code x}, {@code y}, {@code gcd(a, b)}. * @param a a of ax+by=gcd(a, b). * @param b b of ax+by=gcd(a, b). */ public static long[] extGCD(long a, long b) { long s = a, sx = 1, sy = 0; // ax + by = s long t = b, tx = 0, ty = 1; // ax + by = t for (long tmp, u, ux, uy; s % t != 0;) { // u: ax + by = s % t tmp = s / t; u = s - t * tmp; s = t ; t = u ; ux = sx - tx * tmp; sx = tx; tx = ux; uy = sy - ty * tmp; sy = ty; ty = uy; } return new long[]{tx, ty, a * tx + b * ty}; } public static long eulerPhi(long n) { for (LongPrimePower pp : factorizeToList(n)) { long p =; n = (n / p) * (p - 1); } return n; } public static long comb(long n, long r) { if (n < r) return 0; r = Math.min(r, n - r); long res = 1; for (long d = 1; d <= r; d++) {res *= n--; res /= d;} return res; } public static long ceilSqrt(long n) { long l = -1, r = n; while (r - l > 1) { long m = (r + l) >> 1; if (m * m >= n) r = m; else l = m; } return r; } public static long floorSqrt(long n) { long l = 0, r = n + 1; while (r - l > 1) { long m = (r + l) >> 1; if (m * m > n) r = m; else l = m; } return l; } public static long floorSum(long n, long m, long a, long b){ long ans = 0; if (a >= m) { ans += (n - 1) * n * (a / m) / 2; a %= m; } if (b >= m) { ans += n * (b / m); b %= m; } long ymax = (a * n + b) / m; long xmax = ymax * m - b; if (ymax == 0) return ans; ans += (n - (xmax + a - 1) / a) * ymax; ans += floorSum(ymax, a, m, (a - xmax % a) % a); return ans; } } class MapUtil { public static > Mp merge(Mp m1, Mp m2, BinaryOperator op) { if (m1.size() < m2.size()) return merge(m2, m1, op); m2.entrySet().forEach(kv -> { K key = kv.getKey(); V val = kv.getValue(); m1.merge(key, val, ($, v) -> op.apply(v, val)); }); return m1; } }