h,w = map(int,input().split()) sx,sy,gx,gy = map(int,input().split()) b = [list(map(int,input())) for _ in range(h)] dist = [[-1]*w for _ in range(h)] dist[sx-1][sy-1] = 1 q = [(sx-1,sy-1)] while q: sx,sy = q.pop() for nx,ny in [(sx-1,sy),(sx+1,sy),(sx,sy-1),(sx,sy+1)]: if 0 <= nx < h and 0 <= ny < w and dist[nx][ny]==-1: if abs(b[nx][ny] - b[sx][sy]) <= 1: q.append((nx,ny)) dist[nx][ny] = 1 for nx,ny in [(sx-2,sy),(sx+2,sy),(sx,sy-2),(sx,sy+2)]: if 0 <= nx < h and 0 <= ny < w and dist[nx][ny]==-1: if b[nx][ny] == b[sx][sy] > b[(nx+sx)//2][(ny+sy)//2]: q.append((nx,ny)) dist[nx][ny] = 1 print("YES" if dist[gx-1][gy-1]==1 else "NO")