using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using Enu = System.Linq.Enumerable; class Program { static readonly int Mod = (int)1e9 + 7; void Add(ref int a, int b) { if ((a += b) >= Mod) a -= Mod; } public void Solve() { string A = Reader.String(), B = Reader.String(), C = Reader.String(); A = (BigInteger.Parse(A) - 1) + ""; Console.WriteLine((Count(B, C) - Count(A, C) + Mod) % Mod); } private int Count(string S, string C) { var A = S.Select(c => c - '0').ToArray(); int res = 0; int tail = S.Length - C.Length - 2; if (tail <= 0) { int N = int.Parse(S); int X = int.Parse(C); for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) if ((i % 3 == 0 || (i + "").IndexOf('3') >= 0) && i % X != 0) res++; return res; } var dp = DP(A, tail); var dp1 = dp.Item1; var dp2 = dp.Item2; string sub = ""; for (int i = tail; i < tail + 3; i++) if (i >= 0) sub += S[i]; int to = int.Parse(sub); for (int mod = 0; mod < 3; mod++) for (int has3 = 0; has3 < 2; has3++) for (int less = 0; less < 2; less++) { if (mod == 0 || has3 == 1) Add(ref res, dp1[mod, has3, less]); for (int last = 0; last < 1000; last += 8) { if (last > to && less == 0) break; if ((mod + last) % 3 == 0 || has3 == 1 || (last + "").IndexOf('3') >= 0) res = (res + Mod - dp2[mod, has3, less]) % Mod; } } return res; } private Tuple DP(int[] A, int tail) { var dp = new int[3, 2, 2]; var res2 = new int[3, 2, 2]; dp[0, 0, 0] = 1; res2[0, 0, 0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++) { if (i == tail) res2 = (int[, ,])dp.Clone(); var nextdp = new int[3, 2, 2]; for (int mod = 0; mod < 3; mod++) for (int has3 = 0; has3 < 2; has3++) for (int less = 0; less < 2; less++) if (dp[mod, has3, less] > 0) for (int d = 0; d <= 9; d++) { if (less == 0 && d > A[i]) break; int nextmod = (mod + d) % 3; int nexthas3 = has3 | (d == 3 ? 1 : 0); int nextless = less | (d < A[i] ? 1 : 0); Add(ref nextdp[nextmod, nexthas3, nextless], dp[mod, has3, less]); } dp = nextdp; } return Tuple.Create(dp, res2); } } class Entry { static void Main() { new Program().Solve(); } } class Reader { private static TextReader reader = Console.In; private static readonly char[] separator = { ' ' }; private static readonly StringSplitOptions op = StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries; private static string[] A = new string[0]; private static int i; private static void Init() { A = new string[0]; } public static void Set(TextReader r) { reader = r; Init(); } public static void Set(string file) { reader = new StreamReader(file); Init(); } public static bool HasNext() { return CheckNext(); } public static string String() { return Next(); } public static int Int() { return int.Parse(Next()); } public static long Long() { return long.Parse(Next()); } public static double Double() { return double.Parse(Next()); } public static int[] IntLine() { return Array.ConvertAll(Split(Line()), int.Parse); } public static int[] IntArray(int N) { return Enu.Range(0, N).Select(i => Int()).ToArray(); } public static int[][] IntTable(int H) { return Enu.Range(0, H).Select(i => IntLine()).ToArray(); } public static string[] StringArray(int N) { return Enu.Range(0, N).Select(i => Next()).ToArray(); } public static string Line() { return reader.ReadLine().Trim(); } private static string[] Split(string s) { return s.Split(separator, op); } private static string Next() { CheckNext(); return A[i++]; } private static bool CheckNext() { if (i < A.Length) return true; string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) return false; if (line == "") return CheckNext(); A = Split(line); i = 0; return true; } }