import sys input = lambda : sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() sys.setrecursionlimit(2*10**5+10) write = lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x+"\n") debug = lambda x: sys.stderr.write(x+"\n") writef = lambda x: print("{:.12f}".format(x)) def solve(a,b,c,d,e,f): """ ax + by + c = 0 dx + ey + f = 0 """ v = (a*e-b*d) if v==0: # 縮退している if b!=0: return (0, -c/b) else: return (-c/a,0) x = - (c*e - f*b) / v y = (d*c - a*f) / v return (x,y) def solve(A,B): (a,b),(c,d) = A v = a*d-b*c assert v!=0 return (d*B[0]-b*B[1])/v, (-c*B[0]+a*B[1])/v import scipy.linalg import numpy as np x,y,z = list(map(int, input().split())) f = [1,0] for i in range(301): f.append(f[-2]+f[-1]) s = set([x,y,z]) ans = None if len(s)==1: a = 1 for i in range(50)[::-1]: if (x - f[i]) % f[i+1] == 0 and (x-f[i])//f[i+1]>0: b = (x-f[i])//f[i+1] ans = (a,b) break else: if x==1: ans = (1,1) else: ans = (1, x-1) elif len(s)==2: x,y = s ans = None for i in range(50): for j in range(50): if i==j: continue v1,v2 = solve(([[f[i], f[i+1]], [f[j], f[j+1]]]), ([x,y])) v1,v2 = int(v1+0.1), int(v2+0.1) if not (f[i]*v1 + f[i+1]*v2 == x and f[j]*v1 + f[j+1]*v2==y): continue if v1>0 and v2>0 and (ans is None or (v1,v2)0 and v2>0): continue for k in range(50): if f[k]*v1 + f[k+1]*v2 == z: if v1>0 and v2>0: if (ans is None or (v1,v2)