#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # AUTHOR: haya14busa import sys import io from collections import Counter D = Counter({'5': 20199, '7': 20163, '0': 20104, '1': 20063, '3': 20011, '8': 19956, '6': 19898, '2': 19892, '4': 19874, '9': 19841}) def solve(pi_str): input_pi = Counter(pi_str) r = D - input_pi before = -1 after = -1 for k, i in r.items(): if i == -1: after = k elif i == +1: before = k else: pass return [before, after] def getinput(): def getint(): return int(input()) def getints_line(): return list(map(int, input().split(' '))) def getints(n): return [getint() for _ in range(n)] def getints_lines(n): return [getints_line() for _ in range(n)] return [input()] def iosolve(): return str(' '.join(map(str, solve(*getinput())))) # return 'YES' if solve(*getinput()) else 'NO' # for boolean output # return '\n'.join(map(str, solve(*getinput()))) # for multiple line output def main(): if sys.stdin.isatty(): test() stdin_lines = getstdin_lines() sys.stdin = io.StringIO('\n'.join(stdin_lines)) if stdin_lines: print(iosolve()) else: test() def test(): IO_TEST_CASES = [ ( # INPUT '''\ 2.14 ''', # EXPECT '''\ ''' ), ] # List[(List[arg for solve()], expect)] TEST_CASES = [ # ([], None), ] # You do need to see below import unittest # to save memory, import only if test required import sys import io class Assert(unittest.TestCase): def equal(self, a, b): self.assertEqual(a, b) def float_equal(self, actual, expect, tolerance): self.assertTrue(expect - tolerance < actual < expect + tolerance) art = Assert() for inputs, expect in TEST_CASES: art.equal(solve(*inputs), expect) for stdin, expect in IO_TEST_CASES: sys.stdin = io.StringIO(stdin.strip()) art.equal(iosolve(), expect.strip()) # art.float_equal(float(iosolve()), float(expect.strip()), 10 ** -6) def getstdin_lines(): stdin = [] while 1: try: stdin.append(input()) except EOFError: break return stdin if __name__ == '__main__': main()