#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 def read(): return raw_input().decode('utf-8') def work(s): ansList = [] maxLeng = 0 idx = len(s) - 1 while idx >= 0: cnt = 0 while idx >= 0 and s[idx] == 'w'.decode('utf-8'): cnt += 1 idx -= 1 toPush = '' while idx >= 0 and s[idx] != 'w'.decode('utf-8'): toPush += s[idx] idx -= 1 toPush = toPush[::-1] if cnt == 0 or len(toPush) == 0: continue if maxLeng < cnt: ansList = [toPush] maxLeng = cnt elif maxLeng == cnt: ansList.append(toPush) print "\n".join(ansList[::-1]) if __name__ == "__main__": work(read())