import sys input = sys.stdin.readline from heapq import heappush,heappop h,w = map(int,input().split()) gx,gy = [int(x)-1 for x in input().split()] A = [list(map(int,input().split())) for i in range(h)] inf = 10**20 dp = [[[inf]*(500) for i in range(w)] for j in range(h)] dist = [[inf]*w for i in range(h)] dist[gx][gy] = A[gx][gy] dp[gx][gy][0] = A[gx][gy] H = [] heappush(H,[0,A[gx][gy],gx,gy]) while H: d,c,x,y = heappop(H) if dp[x][y][d] != c: continue # print(d,c,x,y) for dx,dy in ((1,0),(0,1),(0,-1),(-1,0)): nx = x+dx ny = y+dy if 0 <= nx < h and 0 <= ny < w: nc = c + A[nx][ny] if dist[nx][ny] <= nc: continue if d < 499 and dp[nx][ny][d+1] > nc: dp[nx][ny][d+1] = nc dist[nx][ny] = nc heappush(H,[d+1,nc,nx,ny]) q = int(input()) for _ in range(q): x,y,k = map(int,input().split()) x -= 1 y -= 1 ans = inf k = k**2 nc = k # print(dp[x][y][:15]) for i in range(500): ans = min(ans,dp[x][y][i]+nc) nc += k print(ans)