import sys from operator import itemgetter from collections import defaultdict, deque import heapq from heapq import heapify, heappop, _heapify_max, heappush from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right import math import itertools import copy stdin=sys.stdin #sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7) ## import pypyjit ## pypyjit.set_param('max_unroll_recursion=-1') ip=lambda: int(sp()) fp=lambda: float(sp()) lp=lambda:list(map(int,stdin.readline().split())) sp=lambda:stdin.readline().rstrip() Yp=lambda:print('Yes') Np=lambda:print('No') inf = 1 << 60 inf = float('inf') mod = 10 ** 9 + 7 #mod = 998244353 eps = 1e-9 sortkey1 = itemgetter(0) sortkey2 = lambda x: (x[0], x[1]) ############################################################### H, W = lp() S = [sp() for _ in range(H)] #dp[0]=01010.. dp[1]=101010... dp[2]=その他 ans = 0 #連続部分なし a = 0 b = 0 s01 = [] s10 = [] for w in range(W): if w & 1: s01.append('1') s10.append('0') else: s01.append('0') s10.append('1') for h in range(H): bla = True; blb = True for w in range(W): if S[h][w] != '?' and S[h][w] != s01[w]: bla = False if S[h][w] != '?' and S[h][w] != s10[w]: blb = False if h == 0: if bla: a = 1 if blb: b = 1 else: if bla: aa = a + b else: aa = 0 if blb: bb = a + b else: bb = 0 a = aa % mod; b = bb % mod ans = a + b ans %= mod first = [] for w in range(W): x = '?' for h in range(H - 1, 0, -1): if S[h][w] != '?': if x != '?' and x != S[h][w]: print(ans) exit() else: x = S[h][w] if x != '?': x = '0' if x == '1' else '1' first.append(x) res = 1 for w in range(W): if first[w] != '?' and S[0][w] != '?' and first[w] != S[0][w]: print(ans) exit() elif first[w] == '?' and S[0][w] == '?': res *= 2 res %= mod bla = True; blb = True for w in range(W): if first[w] != '?' and first[w] != s01[w]: bla = False if S[0][w] != '?' and S[0][w] != s01[w]: bla = False if first[w] != '?' and first[w] != s10[w]: blb = False if S[0][w] != '?' and S[0][w] != s10[w]: blb = False if bla: res -= 1 if blb: res -= 1 ans += res ans %= mod print(ans)