from collections import deque from itertools import combinations, product def main(): H, W = map(int, input().split()) field_map = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(H)] pond_ctr = 0 searched = set() for height_idx, width_idx in product(range(H), range(W)): if field_map[height_idx][width_idx] == 0: continue if (height_idx, width_idx) in searched: continue pond_ctr += 1 searching = deque(((height_idx, width_idx),)) searched.add((height_idx, width_idx)) while searching: current_h_idx, current_w_idx = searching.popleft() if field_map[current_h_idx][current_w_idx] == 0: continue if current_h_idx < H-1 and (current_h_idx+1, current_w_idx) not in searched: searching.append((current_h_idx+1, current_w_idx)) searched.add((current_h_idx+1, current_w_idx)) if current_h_idx > 0 and (current_h_idx-1, current_w_idx) not in searched: searching.append((current_h_idx-1, current_w_idx)) searched.add((current_h_idx-1, current_w_idx)) if current_w_idx < W-1 and (current_h_idx, current_w_idx+1) not in searched: searching.append((current_h_idx, current_w_idx+1)) searched.add((current_h_idx, current_w_idx+1)) if current_w_idx > 0 and (current_h_idx, current_w_idx-1) not in searched: searching.append((current_h_idx, current_w_idx-1)) searched.add((current_h_idx, current_w_idx-1)) print(pond_ctr) if __name__ == "__main__": main()