#include #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) using namespace std; using lint = long long; const int SIZE = 1071; // number of bytes of this code const lint MOD = 998244353; const lint BASE = 126 - 33 + 1; vector base_pow; lint rolling_hash(const string& s) { lint h = 0; rep (i, SIZE) { if (33 <= s[i] and s[i] <= 126) { h = (h + base_pow[SIZE - i - 1] * (s[i] - 33)) % MOD; } } return h; } int main() { base_pow.assign(SIZE, 1); rep (i, SIZE - 1) { base_pow[i + 1] = base_pow[i] * BASE % MOD; } string s; rep (_, SIZE) s += getchar(); cerr << rolling_hash(s) << endl; const lint h_correct = 777777777; rep (i, SIZE) { char c_pre = s[i]; for (char c = 33; c <= 126; c++) { s[i] = c; if (rolling_hash(s) == h_correct) { // cout << i << "\n\"" << c << "\"\n\"" << c_pre << "\"" << endl; return 0; } } s[i] = c_pre; } return 0; } // !!!%:J*<