module merge_sort_m use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env implicit none private public :: merge_sort, merge_sort_descending interface merge_sort module procedure :: merge_sort_int32 module procedure :: merge_sort_with_key_int32 end interface merge_sort interface merge_sort_descending module procedure :: merge_sort_int32_descending module procedure :: merge_sort_with_key_int32_descending end interface merge_sort_descending interface merge_sort module procedure :: merge_sort_int64 module procedure :: merge_sort_with_key_int64 end interface merge_sort interface merge_sort_descending module procedure :: merge_sort_int64_descending module procedure :: merge_sort_with_key_int64_descending end interface merge_sort_descending contains !> merge_sort_int32: Sort arr(:) by sub function merge_sort_sub_int32. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_int32(arr) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) call merge_sort_sub_int32(arr, 1, size(arr)) end subroutine merge_sort_int32 !> merge: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type, (out) arr(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(arr), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_int32(arr, p, q, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = arr(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = arr(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left(i) <= Right(j)) then arr(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else arr(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_int32 !> merge_sort_sub: Recursive function used by merge_sort. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_int32(arr, p, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_int32(arr, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_int32(arr, q+1, r) call merge_int32(arr, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_int32 !> merge_sort_with_key_int32: Sort key(:) sub function merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32. !> arguments: !> key: array of some type. !> indices: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int32(key, indices) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32(key, indices, 1, size(key)) end subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int32 !> merge_with_key: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type, (out) key(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(indices), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_with_key_int32(key, indices, p, q, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: Left_key(1:q-p+1), Right_key(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = indices(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = indices(q+1:r) Left_key(1:l_max) = key(p:q) Right_key(1:r_max) = key(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left_key(i) <= Right_key(j)) then key(k) = Left_key(i) indices(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then key(k+1:r) = Right_key(j:) indices(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else key(k) = Right_key(j) indices(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then key(k+1:r) = Left_key(i:) indices(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_with_key_int32 !> merge_sort_sub_with_key: Recursive function used by merge_sort_with_key. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32(key, indices, p, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32(key, indices, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32(key, indices, q+1, r) call merge_with_key_int32(key, indices, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32 !> merge_sort_int32_descending: Sort arr(:) by sub function merge_sort_sub_int32_descending. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_int32_descending(arr) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) call merge_sort_sub_int32_descending(arr, 1, size(arr)) end subroutine merge_sort_int32_descending !> merge: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type, (out) arr(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(arr), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_int32_descending(arr, p, q, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = arr(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = arr(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left(i) >= Right(j)) then arr(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else arr(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_int32_descending !> merge_sort_sub: Recursive function used by merge_sort. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_int32_descending(arr, p, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_int32_descending(arr, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_int32_descending(arr, q+1, r) call merge_int32_descending(arr, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_int32_descending !> merge_sort_with_key_int32_descending: Sort key(:) sub function merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending. !> arguments: !> key: array of some type. !> indices: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, 1, size(key)) end subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int32_descending !> merge_with_key: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type, (out) key(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(indices), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, p, q, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: Left_key(1:q-p+1), Right_key(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = indices(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = indices(q+1:r) Left_key(1:l_max) = key(p:q) Right_key(1:r_max) = key(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left_key(i) >= Right_key(j)) then key(k) = Left_key(i) indices(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then key(k+1:r) = Right_key(j:) indices(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else key(k) = Right_key(j) indices(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then key(k+1:r) = Left_key(i:) indices(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_with_key_int32_descending !> merge_sort_sub_with_key: Recursive function used by merge_sort_with_key. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, p, r) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, q+1, r) call merge_with_key_int32_descending(key, indices, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int32_descending !> merge_sort_int64: Sort arr(:) by sub function merge_sort_sub_int64. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_int64(arr) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) call merge_sort_sub_int64(arr, 1, size(arr)) end subroutine merge_sort_int64 !> merge: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type, (out) arr(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(arr), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_int64(arr, p, q, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int64) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = arr(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = arr(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left(i) <= Right(j)) then arr(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else arr(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_int64 !> merge_sort_sub: Recursive function used by merge_sort. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_int64(arr, p, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_int64(arr, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_int64(arr, q+1, r) call merge_int64(arr, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_int64 !> merge_sort_with_key_int64: Sort key(:) sub function merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64. !> arguments: !> key: array of some type. !> indices: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int64(key, indices) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64(key, indices, 1, size(key)) end subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int64 !> merge_with_key: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type, (out) key(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(indices), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_with_key_int64(key, indices, p, q, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int64) :: Left_key(1:q-p+1), Right_key(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = indices(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = indices(q+1:r) Left_key(1:l_max) = key(p:q) Right_key(1:r_max) = key(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left_key(i) <= Right_key(j)) then key(k) = Left_key(i) indices(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then key(k+1:r) = Right_key(j:) indices(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else key(k) = Right_key(j) indices(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then key(k+1:r) = Left_key(i:) indices(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_with_key_int64 !> merge_sort_sub_with_key: Recursive function used by merge_sort_with_key. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64(key, indices, p, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64(key, indices, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64(key, indices, q+1, r) call merge_with_key_int64(key, indices, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64 !> merge_sort_int64_descending: Sort arr(:) by sub function merge_sort_sub_int64_descending. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_int64_descending(arr) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) call merge_sort_sub_int64_descending(arr, 1, size(arr)) end subroutine merge_sort_int64_descending !> merge: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type, (out) arr(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(arr), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_int64_descending(arr, p, q, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int64) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = arr(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = arr(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left(i) >= Right(j)) then arr(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else arr(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then arr(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_int64_descending !> merge_sort_sub: Recursive function used by merge_sort. !> arguments: !> arr: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_int64_descending(arr, p, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: arr(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_int64_descending(arr, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_int64_descending(arr, q+1, r) call merge_int64_descending(arr, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_int64_descending !> merge_sort_with_key_int64_descending: Sort key(:) sub function merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending. !> arguments: !> key: array of some type. !> indices: array of some type. subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, 1, size(key)) end subroutine merge_sort_with_key_int64_descending !> merge_with_key: Algorithm for merge_sort, check if Left or Right is end in each loop. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type, (out) key(p:r) is sorted. !> p, q, r: integer, indices p is start, r is end, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ). !> variables: !> Left, Right: array of typeof(indices), sorted !> l_max, r_max: integer, max index of Left or Right. subroutine merge_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, p, q, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, q, r integer(int32) :: Left(1:q-p+1), Right(1:r-q) integer(int64) :: Left_key(1:q-p+1), Right_key(1:r-q) integer(int32) :: l_max, r_max l_max = q-p+1 r_max = r-q block !> i, j, k: integer, loop counters. integer(int32) :: i, j, k Left(1:l_max) = indices(p:q) Right(1:r_max) = indices(q+1:r) Left_key(1:l_max) = key(p:q) Right_key(1:r_max) = key(q+1:r) i = 1 j = 1 do k = p, r if (Left_key(i) >= Right_key(j)) then key(k) = Left_key(i) indices(k) = Left(i) i = i + 1 if (i > l_max) then key(k+1:r) = Right_key(j:) indices(k+1:r) = Right(j:) return end if else key(k) = Right_key(j) indices(k) = Right(j) j = j + 1 if (j > r_max) then key(k+1:r) = Left_key(i:) indices(k+1:r) = Left(i:) return end if end if end do end block end subroutine merge_with_key_int64_descending !> merge_sort_sub_with_key: Recursive function used by merge_sort_with_key. !> arguments: !> indices: array of indices. !> key: array of some type. !> p, r: integer, p is start of arr, r is end of arr. !> variables: !> q: integer, q = floor( (p+q)/2 ) recursive subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, p, r) integer(int64), intent(inout) :: key(:) integer(int32), intent(inout) :: indices(:) integer(int32), intent(in) :: p, r integer(int32) :: q if (p < r) then q = (p+r)/2 call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, p, q) call merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, q+1, r) call merge_with_key_int64_descending(key, indices, p, q, r) end if end subroutine merge_sort_sub_with_key_int64_descending end module merge_sort_m program yukicoder_2852 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use merge_sort_m implicit none integer(int32) :: n, k integer(int64), allocatable :: as(:), bs(:), cs(:), diff(:) integer(int32) :: i read(input_unit, *) n, k allocate(as(n), bs(n), cs(n), diff(n)) read(input_unit, *) as(:) read(input_unit, *) bs(:) read(input_unit, *) cs(:) diff(:) = bs(:) - cs(:) call merge_sort(diff) write(output_unit, '(i0)') sum(as) + sum(cs) + sum(diff(n-k+1:n)) end program yukicoder_2852