#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <set> #include <unordered_set> #include <map> #include <unordered_map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <iterator> #include <ranges> #include <limits> #include <numeric> #include <utility> #include <type_traits> #include <cmath> #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; using namespace placeholders; using LL = long long; using ULL = unsigned long long; using VI = vector< int >; using VVI = vector< vector< int > >; using VLL = vector< long long >; using VVLL = vector< vector< long long > >; using VS = vector< string >; using ISS = istringstream; using OSS = ostringstream; using PII = pair< int, int >; using VPII = vector< pair< int, int > >; template < typename T = int > using LIM = numeric_limits< T >; template < typename T = int > using OSI = ostream_iterator< T >; template < typename T > inline istream& operator>>( istream &s, vector< T > &v ){ for ( T &t : v ) { s >> t; } return s; } template < typename T > inline ostream& operator<<( ostream &s, const vector< T > &v ){ for ( int i = 0; i < int( v.size() ); ++i ){ s << ( " " + !i ) << v[i]; } return s; } void in_impl(){}; template < typename T, typename... TS > void in_impl( T &head, TS &... tail ){ cin >> head; in_impl( tail ... ); } #define IN( T, ... ) T __VA_ARGS__; in_impl( __VA_ARGS__ ); template < typename T, typename V > auto make_vector( const int n, const V &v ) { return vector< T >( n, v ); } template < typename T, typename... TS > auto make_vector( const int n, TS... ts ) { return vector< decltype( make_vector< T >( forward< TS >( ts )...) ) >( n, make_vector< T >( forward< TS >( ts )... ) ); } template < typename T, typename V > auto make_vector0() { return vector< T >(); } template < typename T, typename... TS > auto make_vector0( const int n, TS... ts ) { return vector< decltype( make_vector0< T >( forward< TS >( ts )...) ) >( n, make_vector0< T >( forward< TS >( ts )... ) ); } template < typename T > inline T fromString( const string &s ) { T res; istringstream iss( s ); iss >> res; return res; } template < typename T > inline string toString( const T &a ) { ostringstream oss; oss << a; return oss.str(); } #define NUMBERED( name, number ) NUMBERED2( name, number ) #define NUMBERED2( name, number ) name ## _ ## number #define REP1( n ) REP2( NUMBERED( REP_COUNTER, __LINE__ ), n ) #define REP2( i, n ) REP3( i, 0, n ) #define REP3( i, m, n ) for ( int i = ( int )( m ); i < ( int )( n ); ++i ) #define GET_REP( a, b, c, F, ... ) F #define REP( ... ) GET_REP( __VA_ARGS__, REP3, REP2, REP1 )( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define FOR( e, c ) for ( auto &&e : c ) #define ALL( c ) begin( c ), end( c ) #define AALL( a ) ( remove_all_extents< decltype( a ) >::type * )a, ( remove_all_extents< decltype( a ) >::type * )a + sizeof( a ) / sizeof( remove_all_extents< decltype( a ) >::type ) #define MAP_PRED( c ) transform( begin( c ), end( c ), begin( c ), bind( minus< int >(), _1, 1 ) ); #define SZ( v ) ( (int)( v ).size() ) #define EXISTS( c, e ) ( ( c ).find( e ) != ( c ).end() ) template < typename T > inline bool chmin( T &a, const T &b ){ if ( b < a ) { a = b; return true; } return false; } template < typename T > inline bool chmax( T &a, const T &b ){ if ( a < b ) { a = b; return true; } return false; } #define PB push_back #define EM emplace #define EB emplace_back #define BI back_inserter #define MP make_pair #define fst first #define snd second #define DUMP( x ) cerr << #x << " = " << ( x ) << endl // Λ Λ__ // /(*゚ー゚)/\ // /|  ̄U U ̄|\/ // | |/ constexpr auto INF = LIM< LL >::max() / 2; int main() { cin.tie( nullptr ); ios::sync_with_stdio( false ); cout << setprecision( 12 ) << fixed; IN( int, N ); static int ABC[ 1 << 18 ][4]; REP( j, 3 ) { REP( i, N ) { cin >> ABC[i][j]; } } static LL dp[ 1 << 18 ][4][4]; // dp[ # of considerd ][ current depth ][ # of going down ] := maximum fill( AALL( dp ), -INF ); dp[0][0][0] = 0; REP( i, N ) { REP( j, 3 ) { REP( k, 3 ) { REP( nj, 3 ) { const int nk = k + ( j < nj ); if ( nk <= 2 ) { chmax( dp[ i + 1 ][ nj ][ nk ], dp[i][j][k] + ABC[i][ nj ] ); } } } } } LL res = -INF; REP( j, 3 ) { REP( k, 3 ) { chmax( res, dp[N][j][k] ); } } cout << res << endl; return 0; }