import macros;macro ImportExpand(s:untyped):untyped = parseStmt($s[2]) ImportExpand "cplib/tree/heavylightdecomposition.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_TREE_HLD:\n const CPLIB_TREE_HLD* = 1\n import sequtils\n import algorithm\n import sets\n #[ import cplib/graph/graph ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_GRAPH_GRAPH:\n const CPLIB_GRAPH_GRAPH* = 1\n \n import sequtils\n import math\n type DynamicGraph*[T] = ref object of RootObj\n edges*: seq[seq[(int32, T)]]\n len*: int\n type StaticGraph*[T] = ref object of RootObj\n src*, dst*: seq[int32]\n cost*: seq[T]\n elist*: seq[(int32, T)]\n start*: seq[int32]\n len*: int\n \n type WeightedDirectedGraph*[T] = ref object of DynamicGraph[T]\n type WeightedUnDirectedGraph*[T] = ref object of DynamicGraph[T]\n type UnWeightedDirectedGraph* = ref object of DynamicGraph[int]\n type UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph* = ref object of DynamicGraph[int]\n type WeightedDirectedStaticGraph*[T] = ref object of StaticGraph[T]\n type WeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph*[T] = ref object of StaticGraph[T]\n type UnWeightedDirectedStaticGraph* = ref object of StaticGraph[int]\n type UnWeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph* = ref object of StaticGraph[int]\n \n type GraphTypes*[T] = DynamicGraph[T] or StaticGraph[T]\n type DirectedGraph* = WeightedDirectedGraph or UnWeightedDirectedGraph or WeightedDirectedStaticGraph or UnWeightedDirectedStaticGraph\n type UnDirectedGraph* = WeightedUnDirectedGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph or WeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph\n type WeightedGraph*[T] = WeightedDirectedGraph[T] or WeightedUnDirectedGraph[T] or WeightedDirectedStaticGraph[T] or WeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph[T]\n type UnWeightedGraph* = UnWeightedDirectedGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph or UnWeightedDirectedStaticGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph\n type DynamicGraphTypes* = WeightedDirectedGraph or UnWeightedDirectedGraph or WeightedUnDirectedGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph\n type StaticGraphTypes* = WeightedDirectedStaticGraph or UnWeightedDirectedStaticGraph or WeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph\n \n proc add_edge_dynamic_impl*[T](g: DynamicGraph[T], u, v: int, cost: T, directed: bool) =\n g.edges[u].add((v.int32, cost))\n if not directed: g.edges[v].add((u.int32, cost))\n \n proc initWeightedDirectedGraph*(N: int, edgetype: typedesc = int): WeightedDirectedGraph[edgetype] =\n result = WeightedDirectedGraph[edgetype](edges: newSeq[seq[(int32, edgetype)]](N), len: N)\n proc add_edge*[T](g: var WeightedDirectedGraph[T], u, v: int, cost: T) =\n g.add_edge_dynamic_impl(u, v, cost, true)\n \n proc initWeightedUnDirectedGraph*(N: int, edgetype: typedesc = int): WeightedUnDirectedGraph[edgetype] =\n result = WeightedUnDirectedGraph[edgetype](edges: newSeq[seq[(int32, edgetype)]](N), len: N)\n proc add_edge*[T](g: var WeightedUnDirectedGraph[T], u, v: int, cost: T) =\n g.add_edge_dynamic_impl(u, v, cost, false)\n \n proc initUnWeightedDirectedGraph*(N: int): UnWeightedDirectedGraph =\n result = UnWeightedDirectedGraph(edges: newSeq[seq[(int32, int)]](N), len: N)\n proc add_edge*(g: var UnWeightedDirectedGraph, u, v: int) =\n g.add_edge_dynamic_impl(u, v, 1, true)\n \n proc initUnWeightedUnDirectedGraph*(N: int): UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph =\n result = UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph(edges: newSeq[seq[(int32, int)]](N), len: N)\n proc add_edge*(g: var UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph, u, v: int) =\n g.add_edge_dynamic_impl(u, v, 1, false)\n \n proc len*[T](G: WeightedGraph[T]): int = G.len\n proc len*(G: UnWeightedGraph): int = G.len\n \n iterator `[]`*[T](g: WeightedDirectedGraph[T] or WeightedUnDirectedGraph[T], x: int): (int, T) =\n for e in g.edges[x]: yield (e[0].int, e[1])\n iterator `[]`*(g: UnWeightedDirectedGraph or UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph, x: int): int =\n for e in g.edges[x]: yield e[0].int\n \n proc add_edge_static_impl*[T](g: StaticGraph[T], u, v: int, cost: T, directed: bool) =\n g.src.add(u.int32)\n g.dst.add(v.int32)\n g.cost.add(cost)\n if not directed:\n g.src.add(v.int32)\n g.dst.add(u.int32)\n g.cost.add(cost)\n \n proc build_impl*[T](g: StaticGraph[T]) =\n g.start = newSeqWith(g.len + 1, 0.int32)\n for i in 0.. 0, \"Static Graph must be initialized before use.\"\n \n iterator `[]`*[T](g: WeightedDirectedStaticGraph[T] or WeightedUnDirectedStaticGraph[T], x: int): (int, T) =\n g.static_graph_initialized_check()\n for i in g.start[x].. hld.PD[v]:\n u = hld.P[hld.PP[u]]\n while hld.PP[u] != hld.PP[v]:\n u = hld.P[hld.PP[u]]\n v = hld.P[hld.PP[v]]\n if hld.D[u] > hld.D[v]:\n return v\n u\n proc dist*(hld: HeavyLightDecomposition, u: int, v: int): int =\n hld.depth(u) + hld.depth(v) - hld.depth(hld.lca(u, v)) * 2\n proc path*(hld: HeavyLightDecomposition, r: int, c: int, include_root: bool, reverse_path: bool): seq[(int, int)] =\n var (r, c) = (r, c)\n var k = hld.PD[c] - hld.PD[r] + 1\n if k <= 0:\n return @[]\n var res = newSeqWith(k, (0, 0))\n for i in 0.. hld.D[c]:\n return @[]\n var root_off = int(not include_root)\n res[^1] = (hld.rangeL[r]+root_off, hld.rangeL[c]+1)\n if res[^1][0] == res[^1][1]:\n discard res.pop()\n k -= 1\n if reverse_path:\n for i in 0.. 0 and hld.toSeq2Out(stack[^1]) < hld.toseq2In(v[i]):\n discard stack.pop()\n if len(stack) != 0:\n result.add_edge(stack[^1],v[i])\n stack.add(v[i])\n \n proc initAuxiliaryWeightedTree*(hld:HeavyLightDecomposition,v:seq[int]):WeightedUnDirectedTableGraph[int,int]=\n ## 根が欲しかったらG.v[0]を使ってください けむにく\n var v = v.sortedByit(hld.toseq(it))\n for i in 0..<(len(v)-1):\n v.add(hld.lca(v[i],v[i+1]))\n v = v.sortedByIt(hld.toseq(it)).deduplicate(true)\n var stack :seq[int]\n result = initWeightedUnDirectedTableGraph(v,int)\n stack.add(v[0])\n for i in 1.. 0 and hld.toSeq2Out(stack[^1]) < hld.toseq2In(v[i]):\n discard stack.pop()\n if len(stack) != 0:\n result.add_edge(stack[^1],v[i],hld.depth(v[i])-hld.depth(stack[^1]))\n stack.add(v[i])\n\n" ImportExpand "cplib/graph/graph.nim" <=== "" import sequtils type NamoriGraph = ref object tree : HeavyLightDecomposition rootNo : seq[int] roots : seq[int] cyclesize : int proc initNamoriGraph(graph:UnWeightedUnDirectedGraph):NamoriGraph= var stack : seq[int] var sizes = newseqwith(len(graph),0) var rootNo = newseqwith(len(graph),-1) var tree = initUnWeightedUnDirectedGraph(len(graph)+1) var roots = newseqwith(len(graph),0) for i in 0..\", varargs.}\n proc getchar(): char {.importc: \"getchar_unlocked\", header: \"\", discardable.}\n proc ii(): int {.inline.} = scanf(\"%lld\\n\", addr result)\n proc lii(N: int): seq[int] {.inline.} = newSeqWith(N, ii())\n proc si(): string {.inline.} =\n result = \"\"\n var c: char\n while true:\n c = getchar()\n if c == ' ' or c == '\\n':\n break\n result &= c\n #chmin,chmax\n template `max=`(x, y) = x = max(x, y)\n template `min=`(x, y) = x = min(x, y)\n #bit演算\n proc `%`*(x: int, y: int): int =\n result = x mod y\n if y > 0 and result < 0: result += y\n if y < 0 and result > 0: result += y\n proc `//`*(x: int, y: int): int{.inline.} =\n result = x div y\n if y > 0 and result * y > x: result -= 1\n if y < 0 and result * y < x: result -= 1\n proc `%=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x%y\n proc `//=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x//y\n proc `**`(x: int, y: int): int = x^y\n proc `**=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x^y\n proc `^`(x: int, y: int): int = x xor y\n proc `|`(x: int, y: int): int = x or y\n proc `&`(x: int, y: int): int = x and y\n proc `>>`(x: int, y: int): int = x shr y\n proc `<<`(x: int, y: int): int = x shl y\n proc `~`(x: int): int = not x\n proc `^=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x ^ y\n proc `&=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x & y\n proc `|=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x | y\n proc `>>=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x >> y\n proc `<<=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x << y\n proc `[]`(x: int, n: int): bool = (x and (1 shl n)) != 0\n #便利な変換\n proc `!`(x: char, a = '0'): int = int(x)-int(a)\n #定数\n #[ include cplib/utils/constants ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_UTILS_CONSTANTS:\n const CPLIB_UTILS_CONSTANTS* = 1\n const INF32*: int32 = 100100111.int32\n const INF64*: int = int(3300300300300300491)\n const INF = INF64\n #converter\n\n #range\n iterator range(start: int, ends: int, step: int): int =\n var i = start\n if step < 0:\n while i > ends:\n yield i\n i += step\n elif step > 0:\n while i < ends:\n yield i\n i += step\n iterator range(ends: int): int = (for i in 0..