from itertools import combinations N, M = map(int, input().split()) edge = set() for _ in range(M): u, v = map(int, input().split()) edge.add((u, v)) edge.add((v, u)) abc = tuple(sorted(map(int, input().split()))) if N <= 2: exit(print("No")) for comb in combinations(range(4), 3): if comb == abc: continue a, b, c = comb if (a, b) in edge and (b, c) in edge and (c, a) in edge: print("Yes") break else: if ((0, 1) in edge and (1, 2) in edge and (2, 3) in edge and (3, 0) in edge or (0, 2) in edge and (2, 1) in edge and (1, 3) in edge and (3, 0) in edge or (0, 2) in edge and (2, 3) in edge and (3, 1) in edge and (1, 0) in edge): print("Yes") else: print("No")