from collections import deque H, W, K, L, R = map(int, input().split()) S = [list(input()) for _ in range(H)] if (R-L+1)%2 == 1: exit(print("No")) def bfs(sh, sw): visited = [[-1]*W for _ in range(H)] visited[sh][sw] = 0 que = deque() que.append((sh, sw)) while que: h, w = que.popleft() for dh, dw in direction: nh, nw = h+dh, w+dw if 0<=nh K or (distS[i][j]+distG[i][j])%2 != K%2: continue if distS[i][j] >= L or distS[i][j]%2 == L%2: continue r = K-R if distG[i][j] > r or distG[i][j]%2 != r%2: continue if 1 <= j < W-1 and S[i][j-1] == S[i][j+1] == ".": start = root(i, j, 0, 0, distS, ["D", "L", "U", "R"])[::-1] mid = [] for _ in range((K-distS[i][j]-distG[i][j])//2): mid.append("L") mid.append("R") goal = root(i, j, H-1, W-1, distG, ["U", "R", "D", "L"]) print("Yes") print("".join(start+mid+goal)) exit() if 1 <= i < H-1 and S[i-1][j] == S[i+1][j] == ".": start = root(i, j, 0, 0, distS, ["D", "L", "U", "R"])[::-1] mid = [] for _ in range((K-distS[i][j]-distG[i][j])//2): mid.append("U") mid.append("D") goal = root(i, j, H-1, W-1, distG, ["U", "R", "D", "L"]) print("Yes") print("".join(start+mid+goal)) exit() print("No")