using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Dynamic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Numerics; using ModInt = ModInt; class Runner { public void Run() { var (K,N,F) = IO.Read(); var A = IO.ReadArray(F); IO.Write(Math.Max(K*N-A.Sum(),-1)); } } class Program { static void Main() { try { var miiko = new Runner(); do { miiko.Run(); IO.Flush(); } while(IO.HasNextInput); } catch { IO.Flush(); throw; } } } static class IO { private static readonly Queue que; static IO() { que = new Queue(); var sw = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput()) { AutoFlush = false }; Console.SetOut(sw); } public static bool HasNextInput => que.Count > 0 || TryReadNextLine(); public static string Yes { get; set; } = "Yes"; public static string No { get; set; } = "No"; public static void Flush() => Console.Out.Flush(); public static T Read() { if(que.Count <= 0 && !TryReadNextLine()) throw new InvalidOperationException("Input is missing."); Func converter = ( typeof(T)==typeof(int) ? (Func)(object)(new Func(int.Parse)) : typeof(T)==typeof(long) ? (Func)(object)(new Func(long.Parse)) : typeof(T)==typeof(double) ? (Func)(object)(new Func(double.Parse)) : typeof(T)==typeof(string) ? (Func)(object)(new Func(x => x)) : typeof(T)==typeof(char) ? (Func)(object)(new Func(x => x[0])) : null ) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(T)} is not supported."); return converter.Invoke(que.Dequeue()); } public static (T1,T2) Read() => (Read(), Read()); public static (T1,T2,T3) Read() => (Read(), Read(), Read()); public static (T1,T2,T3,T4) Read() => (Read(), Read(), Read(), Read()); public static (T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) Read() => (Read(), Read(), Read(), Read(), Read()); public static (T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) Read() => (Read(), Read(), Read(), Read(), Read(), Read()); public static T1[] ReadArray(int len) { var A1 = new T1[len]; for(int i=0; i(); return A1; } public static (T1[],T2[]) ReadArray(int len) { var (A1,A2) = (new T1[len], new T2[len]); for(int i=0; i(); return (A1,A2); } public static (T1[],T2[],T3[]) ReadArray(int len) { var (A1,A2,A3) = (new T1[len], new T2[len], new T3[len]); for(int i=0; i(); return (A1,A2,A3); } public static (T1[],T2[],T3[],T4[]) ReadArray(int len) { var (A1,A2,A3,A4) = (new T1[len], new T2[len], new T3[len], new T4[len]); for(int i=0; i(); return (A1,A2,A3,A4); } public static (T1[],T2[],T3[],T4[],T5[]) ReadArray(int len) { var (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) = (new T1[len], new T2[len], new T3[len], new T4[len], new T5[len]); for(int i=0; i(); return (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5); } public static (T1[],T2[],T3[],T4[],T5[],T6[]) ReadArray(int len) { var (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) = (new T1[len], new T2[len], new T3[len], new T4[len], new T5[len], new T6[len]); for(int i=0; i(); return (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6); } public static T[,] ReadMatrix(int row, int col) { var A = new T[row,col]; for(int r=0; r(); return A; } public static HashSet[] ReadGraph(int N, int M, bool isDirected = false) { var G = Enumerable.Repeat(0,N).Select(x=>new HashSet()).ToArray(); while(M-->0) { var (u,v) = IO.Read(); u--; v--; G[u].Add(v); if(!isDirected) G[v].Add(u); } return G; } public static Dictionary[] ReadWeightedGraph(int N, int M) { var G = Enumerable.Repeat(0,N).Select(x=>new Dictionary()).ToArray(); while(M-->0) { var (u,v,w) = IO.Read(); u--; v--; G[u].TryAdd(v,long.MaxValue); G[u][v] = Math.Min(G[u][v],w); } return G; } public static void Write(T val) => Console.WriteLine(val.ToStringOrYesNo()); public static void Write(T1 v1, T2 v2) { Console.Write(v1.ToStringOrYesNo()); Console.Write(' '); Write(v2); } public static void Write(T1 v1, T2 v2, T3 v3) { Console.Write(v1.ToStringOrYesNo()); Console.Write(' '); Write(v2, v3); } public static void Write(T1 v1, T2 v2, T3 v3, T4 v4) { Console.Write(v1.ToStringOrYesNo()); Console.Write(' '); Write(v2, v3, v4); } public static void Write(T1 v1, T2 v2, T3 v3, T4 v4, T5 v5) { Console.Write(v1.ToStringOrYesNo()); Console.Write(' '); Write(v2, v3, v4, v5); } public static void Write(T1 v1, T2 v2, T3 v3, T4 v4, T5 v5, T6 v6) { Console.Write(v1.ToStringOrYesNo()); Console.Write(' '); Write(v2, v3, v4, v5, v6); } public static void WriteArray(IEnumerable vals, bool isMultiLine = false) { if(!vals.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(); return; } Console.Write(vals.First().ToStringOrYesNo()); foreach(var val in vals.Skip(1)) { if(isMultiLine) { Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.Write(' '); } Console.Write(val.ToStringOrYesNo()); } Console.WriteLine(); } public static void WriteMatrix(T[,] matrix) { var row = matrix.GetLength(0); var col = matrix.GetLength(1); for(int r=0; r 0; } private static string? ToStringOrYesNo(this T val) { return typeof(T) == typeof(bool) ? Convert.ToBoolean(val) ? Yes : No : val?.ToString(); } } struct PrimeFactor { public long Prime { get; set; } public int Exponent { get; set; } public PrimeFactor(long p, int e) { Prime = p; Exponent = e; } public override readonly string ToString() { return $"[{Prime},{Exponent}]"; } } static class MathEx { public static long Pow(long x, long n, long mod = -1) { if(mod > 0) x %= mod; if(x == 0) return n==0 ? mod==1 ? 0 : 1 : 0; long ret = 1; while (n > 0) { if (n%2 == 1) { ret *= x; if(mod > 0) ret %= mod; } n = n / 2; if(n == 0) break; x *= x; if(mod > 0) x %= mod; } return ret; } public static long Pow(long x, int n, long mod = -1) => Pow(x, (long)n, mod); public static long ModInv(long x, long mod) { long y = mod; long u = 1; long v = 0; while(y>0) { var t = x / y; x -= t * y; (x,y) = (y,x); u -= t * v; (u,v) = (v,u); } u %= mod; if(u<0) u += mod; return u; } public static long Gcd(long m, long n) { var M = Math.Max(m,n); var N = Math.Min(m,n); while(true) { var mod = M%N; if(mod==0) return N; M = N; N = mod; } } public static long Lcm(long m, long n) => m / Gcd(m,n) * n; public static string Convert10toStr2(long n) { var s = new StringBuilder(); do { s.Insert(0, n % 2); n = n / 2; } while(n > 0); return s.ToString(); } public static long ConvertStr2to10(string s) { int len = s.Length; long ret = 0; for(int i=0; i> NextPermutation(IEnumerable v) where T : IComparable { var list = v.ToList(); int len = list.Count; yield return list; while(true) { int l = len-2; while(l>=0 && list[l].CompareTo(list[l+1])>=0) l--; if(l<0) break; int r = len-1; while(list[l].CompareTo(list[r])>0) r--; if(list[l].CompareTo(list[r])>=0) break; var tmp = list[l]; list[l] = list[r]; list[r] = tmp; list.Reverse(l+1,len-l-1); yield return list; } } public static bool IsCross ( long ax, long ay, long bx, long by, long cx, long cy, long dx, long dy ) { bool crs = true; crs &= ((bx-ax)*(cy-ay)-(cx-ax)*(by-ay)) * ((bx-ax)*(dy-ay)-(dx-ax)*(by-ay)) < 0; crs &= ((dx-cx)*(ay-cy)-(ax-cx)*(dy-cy)) * ((dx-cx)*(by-cy)-(bx-cx)*(dy-cy)) < 0; return crs; } public static long[,] MatrixProduct(long[,] a, long[,] b, long mod = -1) { var ha = a.GetLength(0); var wa = a.GetLength(1); var hb = b.GetLength(0); var wb = b.GetLength(1); if(wa!=hb) throw new ArgumentException(); var c = new long[ha,wb]; for(int i=0; i0) { a[i,k] %= mod; b[k,j] %= mod; } c[i,j] += a[i,k] * b[k,j]; if(mod>0) c[i,j] %= mod; } return c; } public static long[,] MatrixPow(long[,] a, long k, long mod = -1) { var n = a.GetLength(0); if(n != a.GetLength(1)) throw new ArgumentException(); if(mod > 0) for(int i=0; i 0) { if (k%2 == 1) { ret = MatrixProduct(ret,a,mod); } k /= 2; if(k == 0) break; a = MatrixProduct(a,a,mod); } return ret; } public static long[,] MatrixPow(long[,] a, int k, long mod = -1) => MatrixPow(a,(long)k,mod); public static bool IsPrime(long n) { if(n<2) return false; for(long i=2; i*i<=n; i++) { if(n%i==0) return false; } return true; } public static IEnumerable PrimeFactorization(long n) { if(n<2) yield break; for(long i=2; i*i<=n; i++) { var e = 0; while(n%i==0) { n /= i; e++; } if(e>0) yield return new PrimeFactor(i,e); } if(n>1) yield return new PrimeFactor(n,1); } } static class Ex { public static string ToReverseString(this string s) => new string(s.ToString().Reverse().ToArray()); public static T[] Row(this T[,] array, int row) { int len = array.GetLength(1); var ret = new T[len]; for(int c=0; c(this T[,] array, int column) { int len = array.GetLength(0); var ret = new T[len]; for(int r=0; r predicate) => MgrBinarySearchBase(ok,ng,(x,y)=>(x+y)/2,(x,y)=>Math.Abs(x-y)>1,predicate); public static long MgrBinarySearch(long ok, long ng, Func predicate) => MgrBinarySearchBase(ok,ng,(x,y)=>(x+y)/2,(x,y)=>Math.Abs(x-y)>1,predicate); public static double MgrBinarySearch(double ok, double ng, Func predicate, int maxLoopCount = 100) => MgrBinarySearchBase(ok,ng,(x,y)=>(x+y)/2,(x,y)=>maxLoopCount-->0,predicate); public static bool ChangeMax(ref this T current, T other) where T : struct, IComparable { bool changed = false; if(current.CompareTo(other) < 0) { current = other; changed = true; } return changed; } public static bool ChangeMin(ref this T current, T other) where T : struct, IComparable { bool changed = false; if(current.CompareTo(other) > 0) { current = other; changed = true; } return changed; } public static IEnumerable<(T Value, int Length)> RunLengthEncode(this IEnumerable A) where T : IComparable { var nv = A.First(); var nl = 1; foreach(var v in A.Skip(1)) { if(nv.CompareTo(v)==0) { nl++; } else { yield return (nv,nl); nv = v; nl = 1; } } yield return (nv,nl); } public static bool Contains(this (T,T) lr, T x) where T : IComparable { var l = lr.Item1; var r = lr.Item2; return l.CompareTo(x) <= 0 && x.CompareTo(r) < 0; } public static string AsString(this IEnumerable C) => new string(C.ToArray()); private static T MgrBinarySearchBase(T ok, T ng, Func mid, Func loop, Func predicate) { while(loop(ok,ng)) { var m = mid(ok,ng); if(predicate(m)) { ok = m; } else { ng = m; } } return ok; } } class UnionFind { private int[] _parent; private int[] _size; private int _groupCount; public int GroupCount => _groupCount; public UnionFind(int capacity) { _parent = new int[capacity]; _size = new int[capacity]; _groupCount = capacity; for(int i=0; i Root(x) == Root(y); public void Unite(int x, int y) { x = Root(x); y = Root(y); if(x == y) return; if(_size[x]<_size[y]) { var tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } _size[x] += _size[y]; _parent[y] = x; _groupCount -= 1; } public int Size(int x) => _size[Root(x)]; } class SegmentTree { private int _n; private T[] _node; private IEnumerable _source; private Func _updater; private T _e; public SegmentTree(IEnumerable source, Func updater, T e) { _source = source; _updater = updater; _e = e; var arr = _source.ToArray(); _n = 1; while(_n0) { i = (i-1)/2; _node[i] = _updater(_node[2*i+1],_node[2*i+2]); } } public T Query(int a, int b) => this.Query(a,b,0,0,_n); public T Query(int a, int b, int x, int l, int r) { if(b<=l||r<=a) return _e; if(a<=l&&r<=b) return _node[x]; var vl = Query(a,b,x*2+1,l,(l+r)/2); var vr = Query(a,b,x*2+2,(l+r)/2,r); return _updater(vl,vr); } } class LazySegmentTree { private int _n; private T[] _node; private F[] _lazy; private bool[] _hasLazy; private T[] _source; private Func _op; private T _e; private Func _mapping; private Func _composition; private F _id; public LazySegmentTree(IEnumerable source, Func op, T e, Func mapping, Func composition, F id) { _source = source.ToArray(); _op = op; _e = e; _mapping = mapping; _composition = composition; _id = id; var sl = _source.Length; _n = 1; while(_n=0; i--) _node[i] = _op(_node[i*2+1],_node[i*2+2]); } public T this[int i] { get => this[i,i+1]; } public T this[int i, int j] { get => this.Query(i,j); } public void Update(int a, F f) => this.Update(a,a+1,f); public void Update(int a, int b, F f) => this.Update(a,b,f,0,0,_n); public void Update(int a, int b, F f, int x, int l, int r) { this.Eval(x,l,r); if(b<=l||r<=a) return; if(a<=l&&r<=b) { _lazy[x] = _composition(_lazy[x],f); _hasLazy[x] = true; Eval(x,l,r); } else { this.Update(a,b,f,x*2+1,l,(l+r)/2); this.Update(a,b,f,x*2+2,(l+r)/2,r); _node[x] = _op(_node[x*2+1],_node[x*2+2]); } } public T Query(int a, int b) => a==0 && b==_source.Length ? _node[0] : this.Query(a,b,0,0,_n); public T Query(int a, int b, int x, int l, int r) { if(b<=l||r<=a) return _e; this.Eval(x,l,r); if(a<=l&&r<=b) return _node[x]; var vl = Query(a,b,x*2+1,l,(l+r)/2); var vr = Query(a,b,x*2+2,(l+r)/2,r); return _op(vl,vr); } private void Eval(int k, int l, int r) { if(!_hasLazy[k]) return; _node[k] = _mapping(_node[k],_lazy[k]); if(r-l>1) { for(int d=0; d<2; d++) { var nk = 2*k + 1 + d; _lazy[nk] = _composition(_lazy[nk],_lazy[k]); _hasLazy[nk] = true; } } _lazy[k] = _id; _hasLazy[k] = false; } } class SimpleMultiSet : IEnumerable where T : notnull { private int _countTotal; private SortedSet _values; private Dictionary _count; private bool _hasModifiedAfterStartedEnumeration; public SimpleMultiSet() { _countTotal = 0; _values = new SortedSet(); _count = new Dictionary(); } public SimpleMultiSet(IEnumerable collection) : this() { foreach(var v in collection) Add(v); } public int Count => _countTotal; public T Max => _values.Max ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); public T Min => _values.Min ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); public bool Add(T v) { bool isNew = false; if(!_count.ContainsKey(v)) { isNew = true; _count.Add(v,0); _values.Add(v); } _count[v]++; _countTotal++; Modify(); return isNew; } public bool Remove(T v) => Remove(v, false); public bool RemoveAll(T v) => Remove(v, true); public bool Contains(T v) => _count.ContainsKey(v); public T UpperOf(T v) => _values.GetViewBetween(v,this.Max).Min ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); public T LowerOf(T v) => _values.GetViewBetween(this.Min,v).Max ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { _hasModifiedAfterStartedEnumeration = false; foreach(var v in _values) { for(int i=0; i<_count[v]; i++) { yield return v; if(_hasModifiedAfterStartedEnumeration) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection was modified."); } } } } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); private bool Remove(T v, bool isAll) { if(!_count.TryGetValue(v, out int vc)) return false; var c = isAll ? vc : 1; _count[v] -= c; _countTotal -= c; if(_count[v]<=0) { _count.Remove(v); _values.Remove(v); } Modify(); return true; } private void Modify() { _hasModifiedAfterStartedEnumeration = true; } } class RollingHash { private string s; private int n => s.Length; private long b; private long mod; private long[] hash; private long[] p; public RollingHash(string s, long b, long mod) { this.s = s; this.b = b; this.mod = mod; hash = new long[n+1]; p = new long[n+1]; p[0] = 1; for(int i=0; i (hash[r] - (hash[l] * p[r-l] % mod) + mod) % mod; public bool Equal(int l1, int r1, int l2, int r2) => (r1-l1)==(r2-l2) && GetHash(l1,r1)==GetHash(l2,r2); } class LinearSieve { private int N; private Dictionary minDivisor; private List primes; public int Max => N; public LinearSieve(long n, Func? target = null) { target ??= x => x <= n; minDivisor = new(); primes = new(); minDivisor.Add(1,1); for(int i=2; target(i); i++) { if(minDivisor.TryAdd(i,i)) { primes.Add(i); } foreach(var p in primes) { if(!target((long)p * i)) break; if(p > minDivisor[i]) break; minDivisor.Add(p * i, p); } } N = minDivisor.Count; } public IEnumerable PrimeNumbers() { foreach(var p in primes) yield return p; } public bool IsPrime(int n) { AssertLinearSieveTarget(n); return n > 1 && minDivisor[n] == n; } public IEnumerable PrimeFactorization(int n) { AssertLinearSieveTarget(n); var dic = new Dictionary(); while(n > 1) { var p = minDivisor[n]; dic.TryAdd(p,0); dic[p]++; n /= p; } foreach(var (p,e) in dic) yield return new PrimeFactor(p,e); } private void AssertLinearSieveTarget(long n) { if(!(1 <= n && n <= N)) { throw new Exception($"The target must be between 1 and {N}."); } } } interface IMod { public long Mod { get; } } struct ModInt998244353 : IMod { public readonly long Mod => 998244353; } struct ModInt1000000007 : IMod { public readonly long Mod => 1000000007; } readonly struct ModInt where T : struct, IMod { private static readonly T t = default; private static readonly long mod = t.Mod; internal readonly long _v; public long Value => _v; public static long Mod => mod; public ModInt(long v) { if(v < 0 || mod <= v) { v %= mod; if(v < 0) v += mod; } _v = v; } public static ModInt operator +(ModInt a) => a; public static ModInt operator +(ModInt a, ModInt b) { var v = a._v + b._v; if(v >= mod) { v -= mod; } return new ModInt(v); } public static ModInt operator -(ModInt a) => new(a._v >= 0 ? a._v : mod - a._v); public static ModInt operator -(ModInt a, ModInt b) { var v = a._v - b._v; if(v < 0) { v += mod; } return new ModInt(v); } public static ModInt operator *(ModInt a, ModInt b) => new(a._v * b._v); public static ModInt operator /(ModInt a, ModInt b) => new(a._v * MathEx.ModInv(b._v, mod)); public static bool operator ==(ModInt a, ModInt b) => a._v == b._v; public static bool operator !=(ModInt a, ModInt b) => !(a == b); public static implicit operator ModInt(int v) => new(v); public static implicit operator ModInt(long v) => new(v); public ModInt Pow(long k) => new(MathEx.Pow(_v, k, mod)); public override string ToString() => _v.ToString(); public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj) { if(obj is ModInt m) return this == m; if(obj is int i) return this == i; if(obj is long l) return this == l; return false; } public override int GetHashCode() => _v.GetHashCode(); }