N,X,Y,Z=map(int,input().split()) A=[0]+list(map(int,input().split())) for i in range(1,N+1): A[i]+=A[i-1] for i in reversed(range(1,N+1)): now=A[i]-A[i-1] A.pop() if Z>now//10000: Z-=now//10000 now%=10000 else: now-=10000*Z Z=0 if Y>now//5000: Y-=now//5000 now%=5000 else: now-=5000*Y Y=0 while now>-1 and (X or Y or Z): if Y and X*1000+(Y-1)*5000+Z*10000>=A[-1]: now-=5000 Y-=1 elif Z and X*1000+Y*5000+(Z-1)*10000>=A[-1]: now-=10000 Z-=1 else: X-=-(-now//1000) now-=(-(-now//1000*1000)) if now==0: X-=1 if X<0 or Y<0 or Z<0 or now>-1: print("No") exit() print("Yes")