#include using namespace std; struct CumulativeSum { vector< int > data; CumulativeSum(int sz): data(++sz, 0) {}; inline void add(int k, int x) { data[k] += x; } void build() { for(int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { data[i] += data[i - 1]; } } inline int query(int k) { return(data[k]); } }; struct CentroidPathDecomposition { struct Centroid { int ParIndex, ParDepth, Deep; vector< int > node; inline int size() { return(node.size()); } inline int &operator[](int k) { return(node[k]); } inline pair< int, int > Up() { return(make_pair(ParIndex, ParDepth)); } }; vector< vector< int > > graph; vector< int > SubTreeSize, NextPath; vector< int > TreeIndex, TreeDepth; vector< Centroid > Centroids; void BuildSubTreeSize() { stack< pair< int, int > > s; s.push({0, -1}); while(!s.empty()) { auto p = s.top(); s.pop(); if(~SubTreeSize[p.first]) { NextPath[p.first] = -1; for(auto& to : graph[p.first]) { if(p.second == to) continue; SubTreeSize[p.first] += SubTreeSize[to]; if(NextPath[p.first] == -1 || SubTreeSize[NextPath[p.first]] < SubTreeSize[to]) { NextPath[p.first] = to; } } } else { s.push(p); SubTreeSize[p.first] = 1; for(auto& to : graph[p.first]) { if(p.second != to) s.push({to, p.first}); } } } } void BuildPath() { stack< pair< int, int > > s; Centroids.push_back((Centroid){-1, -1, 0}); s.push({0, -1}); TreeIndex[0] = 0; while(!s.empty()) { auto p = s.top(); s.pop(); TreeDepth[p.first] = Centroids[TreeIndex[p.first]].size(); for(auto& to : graph[p.first]) { if(p.second != to) { if(to == NextPath[p.first]) { // Centroid-Path TreeIndex[to] = TreeIndex[p.first]; } else { // Not Centroid-Path TreeIndex[to] = Centroids.size(); Centroids.push_back((Centroid){TreeIndex[p.first], TreeDepth[p.first], Centroids[TreeIndex[p.first]].Deep + 1}); } s.push({to, p.first}); } } Centroids[TreeIndex[p.first]].node.push_back(p.first); } } void AddEdge(int x, int y) { graph[x].push_back(y); graph[y].push_back(x); } void Build() { BuildSubTreeSize(); BuildPath(); } inline int size() { return(Centroids.size()); } inline pair< int, int > Information(int idx) { return(make_pair(TreeIndex[idx], TreeDepth[idx])); } inline Centroid &operator[](int k) { return(Centroids[k]); } inline int LCA(int a, int b) // これを流用する { int TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA, TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB; tie(TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA) = Information(a); tie(TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB) = Information(b); while(TreeIdxA != TreeIdxB) { if(Centroids[TreeIdxA].Deep > Centroids[TreeIdxB].Deep) { tie(TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA) = Centroids[TreeIdxA].Up(); } else { tie(TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB) = Centroids[TreeIdxB].Up(); } } if(TreeDepthA > TreeDepthB) swap(TreeDepthA, TreeDepthB); return(Centroids[TreeIdxA][TreeDepthA]); } CentroidPathDecomposition(int SZ) { graph.resize(SZ); SubTreeSize.assign(SZ, -1); NextPath.resize(SZ); TreeIndex.resize(SZ); TreeDepth.resize(SZ); } inline void AddPath(int a, int b); }; vector< CumulativeSum > sum; inline void CentroidPathDecomposition::AddPath(int a, int b) { int TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA, TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB; tie(TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA) = Information(a); tie(TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB) = Information(b); while(TreeIdxA != TreeIdxB) { if(Centroids[TreeIdxA].Deep > Centroids[TreeIdxB].Deep) { sum[TreeIdxA].add(0, 1); sum[TreeIdxA].add(TreeDepthA + 1, -1); tie(TreeIdxA, TreeDepthA) = Centroids[TreeIdxA].Up(); } else { sum[TreeIdxB].add(0, 1); sum[TreeIdxB].add(TreeDepthB + 1, -1); tie(TreeIdxB, TreeDepthB) = Centroids[TreeIdxB].Up(); } } if(TreeDepthA > TreeDepthB) swap(TreeDepthA, TreeDepthB); sum[TreeIdxA].add(TreeDepthA, 1); sum[TreeIdxB].add(TreeDepthB + 1, -1); } int main() { int N, Q; scanf("%d", &N); CentroidPathDecomposition tree(N); for(int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { int u, v; scanf("%d %d", &u, &v); tree.AddEdge(--u, --v); } tree.Build(); for(int i = 0; i < tree.size(); i++) { sum.emplace_back(CumulativeSum(tree[i].size() + 1)); } scanf("%d", &Q); while(Q--) { int A, B; scanf("%d %d", &A, &B); tree.AddPath(--A, --B); } long long ret = 0; for(int i = 0; i < tree.size(); i++) { sum[i].build(); for(int j = 0; j < tree[i].size(); j++) { int res = sum[i].query(j); ret += 1LL * res * (res + 1) / 2; } } printf("%lld\n", ret); }