import strutils, sequtils, queues var tmp = (h, w) = (tmp[0], tmp[1]) tmp2 = (sy, sx, gy, gx) = (tmp2[0]-1, tmp2[1]-1, tmp2[2]-1, tmp2[3]-1) b : seq[string] = @[] for i in 1..h: b.add(stdin.readline) const dx = [0, 1, 0, -1] dy = [1, 0, -1, 0] var q = initQueue[int]() visited : seq[bool] = newSeqWith(h*w, false) q.add(sy*w+sx) while q.len > 0: var t = q.dequeue (cy, cx) = (t div w, t mod w) if cy == gy and cx == gx: "YES".echo quit() for k in 0..3: var (ny, nx) = (cy + dy[k], cx + dx[k]) if ny < 0 or nx < 0 or h <= ny or w <= nx: continue if not visited[ny*w+nx] and abs(b[ny][nx].int - b[cy][cx].int) <= 1: visited[ny*w+nx] = true q.add(ny*w+nx) for k in 0..3: var (ny, nx) = (cy + 2*dy[k], cx + 2*dx[k]) if ny < 0 or nx < 0 or h <= ny or w <= nx: continue if not visited[ny*w+nx] and b[ny][nx] == b[cy][cx] and b[ny][nx] > b[cy+dy[k]][cx+dx[k]]: visited[ny*w+nx] = true q.add(ny*w+nx) "NO".echo