import sys from sys import stdin, stdout import array import gc #!/usr/bin/env python3 two_inv=[0,1,5,0,7,2,0,4,8,0] t=int(sys.stdin.readline()) total=0 while t!=0: t-=1 [n,x,a,b,m]=map(int,sys.stdin.readline().split()) cidx=array.array('l') coef=array.array('b') cidx.append(0) coef.append(1) f=(n-1)//2 ans=x%10 num=n-1 den=1 two=1 three=0 add=x%10 i=0 while i < f: i+=1 tmp=num; while tmp%3==0: tmp//=3 three+=1 two*=tmp; tmp=den; while tmp%3==0: tmp//=3 three-=1 two=(two*(two_inv[tmp%9]))%9 num-=1 den+=1 if three>=2: continue cidx.append(i) coef.append(two*(2*three+1)) i=0 j=1 cl=len(cidx) while i=0: x=((x^a)+b)%m s=x%10 add+=s if j>=0 and i==cidx[j]: ans+=s*coef[j] j-=1 i-=1 ans%=9 if add !=0 and ans ==0: ans=9; sys.stdout.write(str(ans)) sys.stdout.write('\n') total+=len(coef) if total > 500000: gc.collect() total=0