let list_of_string str = let lstr = String.length str in let rec list_of_string' idx result = if idx >= lstr then result else list_of_string' (idx + 1) (str.[idx] :: result) in list_of_string' 0 [] let group_by cmp lst = let rec split_by_val value lst (lst1, lst2) = match lst with | [] -> (lst1, lst2) | x::xs -> let nextResult = match cmp x with | v when v = value -> (x::lst1, lst2) | _ -> (lst1, x::lst2) in split_by_val value xs nextResult in let rec group_by' lst result = match lst with | [] -> result | x::xs -> let value = cmp x in let lst1, lst2 = split_by_val value lst ([], []) in group_by' lst2 ((value, lst1)::result) in group_by' lst [] let id x = x let () = let a = read_line () and b = read_line () in let alst = list_of_string a |> group_by id |> List.sort (fun (key1, _) (key2, _) -> int_of_char key1 - int_of_char key2) and blst = list_of_string b |> group_by id |> List.sort (fun (key1, _) (key2, _) -> int_of_char key1 - int_of_char key2) in alst = blst |> (function true -> "YES" | false -> "NO") |> print_endline