Nw = input() Ww = sorted(list(set(map(int, raw_input().split())))) Nb = input() Bb = sorted(list(set(map(int, raw_input().split())))) def solve(last): ans = 0 W = Ww[:] B = Bb[:] while len(W) > 0 and len(B) > 0: if W[-1] == B[-1]: W.pop() B.pop() ans += 1 if last == 'B': last = 'W' elif last == 'W': last == 'B' elif W[-1] > B[-1]: W.pop() if last == 'B': ans += 1 last = 'W' else: B.pop() if last == 'W': ans += 1 last = 'B' if len(W) > 0 and last == 'B': ans += 1 elif len(B) > 0 and last == 'W': ans += 1 return ans print max(solve('B'), solve('W'))