package yukicoder; import java.util.*; public class Q430 { public static void main(String[] args) { new Q430().run(); } void run() { solver(); } void solver() { TrieByList trie=new TrieByList(); Scanner sc=new Scanner(; char[]; int m=sc.nextInt(); while(m-->0){ trie.add(; } trie.buildFailure(); System.out.println(trie.countHit(s)); } class TrieByList { Node root = new Node(0, (char) -1); int gen = 1; class Node { int id; char c; Node[] child = null; int hit = 0; Node fail; int ptn; int p = 0; public Node(int id, char c) { = id; this.c = c; } Node search(char c) { if (ptn << 31 - (c - 'a') < 0) return child[Integer.bitCount(ptn << 31 - (c - 'a')) - 1]; else return null; } void appendChild(Node n) { if (p == 0) child = new Node[1]; else if (p + 1 > child.length) child = Arrays.copyOf(child, 2 * child.length); int z = n.c - 'a'; int zind = Integer.bitCount(ptn << 31 - z); System.arraycopy(child, zind, child, zind + 1, p - zind); ptn |= 1 << z; child[zind] = n; ++p; } } void buildFailure() { = null; Queue q = new ArrayDeque<>(); q.add(root); while (!q.isEmpty()) { Node cur = q.poll(); inner: for (int i = 0; i < cur.p; ++i) { Node ch = cur.child[i]; q.add(ch); for (Node to =; to != null; to = { Node next =; if (next != null) { = next; ch.hit += next.hit; continue inner; } } = root; } } } void add(char[] s) { Node cur = root; Node pre = null; for (char c : s) { pre = cur; cur =; if (cur == null) { cur = new Node(gen++, c); pre.appendChild(cur); } } ++cur.hit; } int countHit(char[] s) { Node cur = root; int hit=0; outer:for(char c:s){ for(;cur!=null;{ Node; if(next!=null) { hit+=next.hit; cur=next; continue outer; } } cur=root; } return hit; } } }