using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static System.Console; using static System.Math; using static ConsoleApplication.Utils; namespace ConsoleApplication { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var n = ReadInt(); WriteLine((n-1) * 52 + 316); } } public static class Utils { #region Extensions for IO public static int ReadInt() => ReadLine().ToInt(); public static IEnumerable ReadInts() => ReadStrings().Select(int.Parse); public static IEnumerable ReadStrings() => ReadLine().Split(' '); public static IEnumerable ReadLines(int n) { foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, n)) { yield return ReadLine(); } } #endregion #region Extensions of int public static bool IsOdd(this int n) => !n.IsEven(); public static bool IsEven(this int n) => n % 2 == 0; public static bool CanDivideWith(this int n, int divisor) => n % divisor == 0; #endregion #region Extensions of string public static int ToInt(this string str) => int.Parse(str); public static long ToLong(this string str) => long.Parse(str); public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string str) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(str); #endregion public static void ForEach(this IEnumerable source, Action action) { foreach (var item in source) { action(item); } } public static IEnumerable Peek(this IEnumerable source, Action action) { foreach (var item in source) { action(item); } return source; } } }