#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # † from itertools import chain flatten = chain.from_iterable R, C = map(int, raw_input().split()) board_width = C board_height = R n = board_width * board_height # Set up the matrix of button pushes A = [[0]*n for i in xrange(n)] for i in xrange(board_width): for j in xrange(board_height): idx = i + j * board_width A[idx][idx] = 1 if i > 0: A[idx - 1][idx] = 1 if i < board_width - 1: A[idx + 1][idx] = 1 if j > 0: A[idx - board_width][idx] = 1 if j < board_height - 1: A[idx + board_width][idx] = 1 # if i > 0 and j > 0: A[idx - board_width - 1][idx] = 1 if i > 0 and j < board_height - 1: A[idx + board_width - 1][idx] = 1 if i < board_width - 1 and j > 0: A[idx - board_width + 1][idx] = 1 if i < board_width - 1 and j < board_height - 1: A[idx + board_width + 1][idx] = 1 # A couple helpers def add_rows(A, i, j): return [(A[i][k] + A[j][k])%2 for k in xrange(n)] def swap_rows(A, i, j): A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i] # The input state to solve #state = map(int, '1011100111110001100111010') mat = [map(int, raw_input().split()) for _ in xrange(R)] state = list(flatten(mat)) G = state[:] #print state # Solve via something like Gaussian Elimination for col in xrange(n): # find the first row with a 1 in this column for row in xrange(col,n): if A[row][col] == 1: swap_rows(A, row, col) swap_rows(state, row, col) for other in xrange(n): if other != col and A[other][col] == 1: A[other] = add_rows(A, other, col) state[other] = state[other] ^ state[col] # Print out the buttons to be pressed #for j in xrange(board_height): # print ''.join(map(str,state[j*board_width:(j+1)*board_width])) for i in xrange(R*C): if state[i]: r, c = divmod(i, C) for dr in [-1, 0, 1]: for dc in [-1, 0, 1]: nr = r + dr nc = c + dc if not (0 <= nr < R and 0 <= nc < C): continue G[nr*C+nc] = 1 - G[nr*C+nc] if any(x!=0 for x in G): print 'Impossible' exit(0) res = state.count(1) print res