import*; import java.util.*; public class Main_yukicoder464_1 { private static Scanner sc; private static Printer pr; private static void solve() { char[] s =; int n = s.length; // if (n > 4000) { // return; // } p = new ArrayList<>(); rp = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { p.add(new ArrayList<>()); // rp.add(new ArrayList<>()); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { p.get(i).add(i + 1); if (i + 1 - 1 == n - 1) { // rp.get(i + 1 - 1).add(i); rp.add(i); } for (int j = 1; i - j >= 0 && i + j < n && s[i - j] == s[i + j]; j++) { p.get(i - j).add(i + j + 1); if (i + j + 1 - 1 == n - 1) { // rp.get(i + j + 1 - 1).add(i - j); rp.add(i - j); } } if (i < n - 1 && s[i] == s[i + 1]) { for (int j = 0; i - j >= 0 && i + 1 + j < n && s[i - j] == s[i + 1 + j]; j++) { p.get(i - j).add(i + 1 + j + 1); if (i + 1 + j + 1 - 1 == n - 1) { // rp.get(i + 1 + j + 1 - 1).add(i - j); rp.add(i - j); } } } } Collections.sort(rp); int[] cnt = new int[n]; for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int tmp = Collections.binarySearch(rp, i + 1); if (tmp < 0) { tmp = -(tmp + 1); } cnt[i] = rp.size() - tmp; } long ret = 0; for (int next : p.get(0)) { if (next >= n) { break; } for (int next2 : p.get(next)) { if (next2 >= n) { break; } ret += cnt[next2]; } } pr.println(ret); // pr.println(f(s, 0, n)); } private static List> p; // private static List> rp; private static List rp; /* private static Map hm = new HashMap<>(); private static long f(char[] s, int from, int to) { String key = new String(s, from, to - from); if (hm.containsKey(key)) { return hm.get(key); } List alist = p.get(from); long ret = 0; for (int next : alist) { if (next >= to) { break; } ret += f2(s, next, to); } hm.put(key, (long)(alist.size() - ret)); return ret; } private static Map hm2 = new HashMap<>(); private static long f2(char[] s, int from, int to) { String key = new String(s, from, to - from); if (hm2.containsKey(key)) { return hm2.get(key); } List alist = p.get(from); long ret = 0; for (int next : alist) { if (next >= to) { break; } ret += f3(s, next, to); } hm2.put(key, (long)(alist.size() - ret)); return ret; } private static Map hm3 = new HashMap<>(); private static long f3(char[] s, int from, int to) { String key = new String(s, from, to - from); if (hm3.containsKey(key)) { return hm3.get(key); } List alist = rp.get(to - 1); int ret = Collections.binarySearch(alist, from + 1); if (ret < 0) { ret = -(ret + 1); } hm3.put(key, (long)(alist.size() - ret)); return alist.size() - ret; } */ // --------------------------------------------------- public static void main(String[] args) { sc = new Scanner(; pr = new Printer(System.out); solve(); pr.close(); sc.close(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class Scanner { BufferedReader br; Scanner (InputStream in) { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); } private boolean isPrintable(int ch) { return ch >= '!' && ch <= '~'; } private boolean isCRLF(int ch) { return ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == -1; } private int nextPrintable() { try { int ch; while (!isPrintable(ch = { if (ch == -1) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } return ch; } catch (IOException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } String next() { try { int ch = nextPrintable(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); do { sb.appendCodePoint(ch); } while (isPrintable(ch =; return sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } int nextInt() { try { // parseInt from Integer.parseInt() boolean negative = false; int res = 0; int limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; int radix = 10; int fc = nextPrintable(); if (fc < '0') { if (fc == '-') { negative = true; limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else if (fc != '+') { throw new NumberFormatException(); } fc =; } int multmin = limit / radix; int ch = fc; do { int digit = ch - '0'; if (digit < 0 || digit >= radix) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } if (res < multmin) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } res *= radix; if (res < limit + digit) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } res -= digit; } while (isPrintable(ch =; return negative ? res : -res; } catch (IOException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } long nextLong() { try { // parseLong from Long.parseLong() boolean negative = false; long res = 0; long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE; int radix = 10; int fc = nextPrintable(); if (fc < '0') { if (fc == '-') { negative = true; limit = Long.MIN_VALUE; } else if (fc != '+') { throw new NumberFormatException(); } fc =; } long multmin = limit / radix; int ch = fc; do { int digit = ch - '0'; if (digit < 0 || digit >= radix) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } if (res < multmin) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } res *= radix; if (res < limit + digit) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } res -= digit; } while (isPrintable(ch =; return negative ? res : -res; } catch (IOException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } float nextFloat() { return Float.parseFloat(next()); } double nextDouble() { return Double.parseDouble(next()); } String nextLine() { try { int ch; while (isCRLF(ch = { if (ch == -1) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); do { sb.appendCodePoint(ch); } while (!isCRLF(ch =; return sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } void close() { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } } private static class Printer extends PrintWriter { Printer(PrintStream out) { super(out); } } }