N=int(raw_input()) mod=1000000007 dp=[[[[0 for i in range(2)] for j in range(2)] for k in range(N+1)] for l in range(N+2)] dp[1][0][0][0]=1 dp[2][0][0][0]=2 for i in range(2,N+1): for j in range(N+1): #if dp[i][j][0][0] >0 or dp[i][j][0][1] > 0 or dp[i][j][1][0]>0 or dp[i][j][1][1]>0: # print i,j, dp[i][j][0][0], dp[i][j][0][1],dp[i][j][1][0],dp[i][j][1][1] if dp[i][j][0][0]>0: dp[i+1][j][0][0]+=(i-1-j)*dp[i][j][0][0] dp[i+1][j][0][0]%=mod dp[i+1][j][0][1]+=2*dp[i][j][0][0] dp[i+1][j][0][1]%=mod if j-1>=0: dp[i+1][j-1][0][0]+=j*dp[i][j][0][0] dp[i+1][j-1][0][0]%=mod if dp[i][j][0][1]>0: # (i) (i-2) is adjacent, (i-1) (i-3) is not. insert i+1 in i+1 different positions dp[i+1][j][1][0]+=(i-2-j)*dp[i][j][0][1] dp[i+1][j][1][0]%=mod dp[i+1][j][1][1]+=2*dp[i][j][0][1] # next to (i-1), both side dp[i+1][j][1][1]%=mod # next to (i-1), both side dp[i+1][j][0][0]+=dp[i][j][0][1] # between (i) and (i-2) dp[i+1][j][0][0]%=mod # between (i) and (i-2) if j-1>=0: dp[i+1][j-1][1][0]+=j*dp[i][j][0][1] dp[i+1][j-1][1][0]%=mod if dp[i][j][1][0]>0: # (i-1) (i-3) is adjacent, (i) (i-2) is not, insert i+1 dp[i+1][j+1][0][0]+=(i-1-j)*dp[i][j][1][0] dp[i+1][j+1][0][0]%=mod dp[i+1][j+1][0][1]+=dp[i][j][1][0] # next to (i-1), opposite of (i-3) dp[i+1][j+1][0][1]%=mod # next to (i-1), opposite of (i-3) dp[i+1][j][0][1]+=dp[i][j][1][0] # between (i-1) and (i-3) dp[i+1][j][0][1]%=mod # between (i-1) and (i-3) if j-1>=0: dp[i+1][j][0][0]+=j*dp[i][j][1][0] dp[i+1][j][0][0]%=mod if dp[i][j][1][1]>0: # (i-1) (i-3) is adjacent, (i)(i-2) is adjacent dp[i+1][j+1][1][0]+=(i-2-j)*dp[i][j][1][1] dp[i+1][j+1][1][0]%=mod dp[i+1][j+1][1][1]+=dp[i][j][1][1] # next to (i-1), opposite of (i-3) dp[i+1][j+1][1][1]%=mod # next to (i-1), opposite of (i-3) dp[i+1][j][1][1]+=dp[i][j][1][1] # between (i-1) and (i-3) dp[i+1][j][1][1]%=mod # between (i-1) and (i-3) dp[i+1][j+1][0][0]+=dp[i][j][1][1] # between (i) and (i-2) dp[i+1][j+1][0][0]%=mod # between (i) and (i-2) if j-1>=0: dp[i+1][j][1][0]+=j*dp[i][j][1][1] dp[i+1][j][1][0]%=mod print dp[N][0][0][0]