#picnic N,D,K=(int(i) for i in input().split()) S=1+K S*=K S//=2 if S>D: print(-1) else: i=1 R=[] while D>0 and K>0 and i<=N: if K==1: if D>N: print (-1) else: R.append(D) K-=1 else: M=N+N-K+2 M*=K-1 M//=2 F=D-i-M if i==1: print (-1) K=0 elif F>=0: R.append(F+i) for j in range(K-1): R.append(N-K+j+2) K-=K else: K-=1 R.append(i) D-=i i+=1 T="" for j in range (len(R)): T+=str(R[j])+" " print (T)