import sequtils,strutils,math import sequtils,strutils type priorityQue[I:static[int];T:tuple] = array[I + 1,T] item = tuple[cost, x, y, a : int] proc push[T](A:var priorityQue; b: T;)= const key = 0 A[0][0] += 1 A[A[0][0]] = b # A[0][0]はsize、最大のIndex var index = A[0][0] while index > 1 and A[index][key] > A[index div 2][key]: (A[index],A[index div 2]) = (A[index div 2],A[index]) index = index div 2 proc pop(A: var priorityQue):item = #戻り値を書き換える const key = 0 result = A[1] A[1] = A[A[0][0]] var n : item A[A[0][0]] = n A[0][0] -= 1 var index = 1 while index * 2 <= A[0][0]: if index * 2 + 1<= A[0][0]: if A[index][key] < A[index * 2][key] and A[index * 2 + 1][key] <= A[index * 2][key]: (A[index],A[index * 2]) = (A[index * 2],A[index]) index = index * 2 elif A[index][key] < A[index * 2 + 1][key]: (A[index],A[index * 2 + 1]) = (A[index * 2 + 1],A[index]) index = index * 2 + 1 else: break elif index * 2 <= A[0][0]: if A[index][key] < A[index * 2][key]: (A[index],A[index * 2]) = (A[index * 2],A[index]) break else: break proc size(A : priorityQue):int= return A[0][0] var W, H : int hyou : array[103, array[103, int]] pq : priorityQue[10000000, item] p : item D = [[1, 0],[0, 1],[-1, 0],[0, -1]] (W, H) = for h in 1..H: hyou[h][1..W] = proc isKadomatsuSequence(a, b, c : int) : bool = if b == 0 or a == 0: return true if a != b and b != c and c != a: if b == max(@[a, b, c]): return true elif b == min(@[a, b, c]): return true else: return false else: return false p = (0, 1, 1, 0) pq.push(p) block tansaku: while pq.size > 0: p = pq.pop() if p.cost < - 10000: break for d in D: var nx = p.x + d[1] ny = p.y + d[0] if hyou[ny][nx] == 0: continue var b = hyou[p.y][p.x] a = p.a c = hyou[ny][nx] if isKadomatsuSequence(a, b, c): if nx == W and ny == H: echo -p.cost + 1 break tansaku pq.push((p.cost - 1, nx, ny, b)) echo -1