using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ProgrammingContest { class MainClass { Scanner sc; static void Main(string[] args) { new MainClass().Solve(); } const bool DEBUG = false; // TODO: must check!! void Solve() { if (DEBUG) { string backPath = ".."; char dirSep = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string inFilePath = backPath + dirSep + backPath + dirSep + "in.txt"; sc = new Scanner(new System.IO.StreamReader(inFilePath)); } else { sc = new Scanner(); } long B = sc.NextInt; int N = sc.NextInt; long[] C = new long[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { C[i] = sc.NextInt; } Array.Sort(C); Array.Reverse(C); long high = (long) 1e18; long low = 0; while (high - low > 10) { long mid1 = (high + low * 2) / 3; long mid2 = (high * 2 + low) / 3; if (calc(B, C, mid1) < calc(B, C, mid2)) { low = mid1; } else { high = mid2; } } long ans = (long)1e18; for (long i = Math.Max(0, low); i <= Math.Min(high + 5, (C.Sum() + B) / N); i++) { ans = Math.Min(ans, calc(B, C, i)); } Console.WriteLine(ans); } long calc(long B, long[] C, long need) { long res = 0; long have = B; foreach(var c in C) { if (need > c) { have -= need - c; res += need - c; } else if (need < c) { have += c - need; res += c - need; } if (have < 0) { return (long)1e18; } } return res; } } class Scanner { Queue buffer; char[] sep; System.IO.TextReader reader; public Scanner(System.IO.TextReader reader = null) { this.buffer = new Queue(); this.sep = new char[] { ' ' }; this.reader = (reader ?? Console.In); } private void CheckBuffer() { if (this.buffer.Count == 0) { String[] sreArray = this.reader.ReadLine().Split(this.sep); foreach (String elStr in sreArray) { this.buffer.Enqueue(elStr); } } } public String Next { get { this.CheckBuffer(); return this.buffer.Dequeue(); } } public int NextInt { get { return int.Parse(this.Next); } } public double NextDouble { get { return double.Parse(this.Next); } } public long NextLong { get { return long.Parse(this.Next); } } public bool IsEmpty { get { this.CheckBuffer(); return this.buffer.Count == 0; } } } }