local ffi = require 'ffi' local C = ffi.C ffi.cdef [[ long atol(const char *str); int printf(const char *fmt, ...); ]] C.printf((function (f, s) return f(s) end)(function (s) local s0,s1,n = s:match("(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)") local r = C.atol(n)%3LL if r ~= 2LL then return "%s\n", (r == 0LL and s0 or s1) end local f0,f1 = C.atol(s0),C.atol(s1) local f2,p = 0LL,1LL while f0 ~= 0LL and f1 ~= 0LL do f0,f1,f2,p = f0/2LL,f1/2LL,f2+p*(f0%2LL ~= f1%2LL and 1LL or 0LL),p*2LL end if f0 ~= 0LL then while f0 ~= 0LL do f0,f2,p = f0/2LL,f2+p*(f0%2LL),p*2LL end end if f1 ~= 0LL then while f1 ~= 0LL do f1,f2,p = f1/2LL,f2+p*(f1%2LL),p*2LL end end return "%ld\n", f2 end, io.stdin:read("*l")))