open Scanf open Printf let ($) f x = f x let scanIntlist n = let list = ref [] in for i = 1 to n do list := (scanf (if i < n then "%d " else "%d") (fun x -> x))::!list done; List.rev !list let string2charlist s = let rec proc i res = try proc (i+1) $ s.[i]::res with Invalid_argument _ -> res in List.rev $ proc 0 [] let minInt l = let rec proc l res = match l with [] -> res | x::xs -> if x < res then proc xs x else proc xs res in if l == [] then raise $ Failure "null list" else proc l max_int let maxInt l = let rec proc l res = match l with [] -> res | x::xs -> if x > res then proc xs x else proc xs res in if l == [] then raise $ Failure "null list" else proc l min_int let rec listSum = function [] -> 0 | x::xs -> x+listSum xs;; let rec quick_sort = function ([] | [_]) as l -> l | pivot :: rest -> let rec partition left right = function [] -> (quick_sort left) @ (pivot :: quick_sort right) | y :: ys -> if pivot < y then partition left (y :: right) ys else partition (y :: left) right ys in partition [] [] rest;; scanf "%d " $ fun n -> print_int ( listSum (scanIntlist n));;