type CombinationObj = object of RootObj fact: seq[int64] factinv: seq[int64] m: int64 threshold: int proc extend_euclid(x0:int64;y0:int64): array[3,int64]= var a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2,r0,r1,r2,q,x,y:int64 (x,y)=(x0,y0);r0=x; r1=y; a0=1; a1=0; b0=0; b1=1; while r1>0: q=r0 div r1; r2=r0 mod r1; a2=a0-q*a1; b2=b0-q*b1; r0=r1; r1=r2; a0=a1; a1=a2; b0=b1; b1=b2; result = [a0,b0,r0] proc mpow(a:int64;b:int64;m:int64=high(1'i64)): int64= result = 1 var (x,n) = (a,b) while n!=0: if (n and 1) == 1:result = (result*x) mod m x = (x*x) mod m;n = n shr 1 proc combination(m: int64 = 1_000_000_007, threshold: int=1_000_000): CombinationObj= result = CombinationObj() result.m = m result.threshold = threshold result.fact = newSeq[int64](threshold+2) result.factinv = newSeq[int64](threshold+2) result.fact[0]=1 for i in 1..threshold+1: result.fact[i] = result.fact[i-1]*i mod m var a = (extend_euclid(result.fact[threshold+1],m))[0] if a=0: result.factinv[i] = result.factinv[i+1]*(i+1) mod m i-=1 template C(obj: CombinationObj,n: int,k:int): int64= # if k < 0 or k > n: # return 0 (obj.fact[n] * obj.factinv[k] mod obj.m) * obj.factinv[n-k] mod obj.m template P(obj: CombinationObj,n: int,k:int): int64= (obj.fact[n] * obj.factinv[n-k]) mod obj.m proc H(obj: CombinationObj,n: int,k:int): int64= if n==0 and k==0: return 1 elif n==0: return 0 else: return obj.C(n+k-1,k) import strutils, macros, sequtils let c = combination(threshold=2000010) let n = stdin.readLine.parseInt for i in 0..