import math x1, y1 = map(int, input().split()) x2, y2 = map(int, input().split()) diff = math.fabs(x1 - y1) clac = lambda x, y: min(math.fabs(x), math.fabs(y)) res = diff + clac(x1, y1) if diff == 0: if math.fabs(x2) == math.fabs(y2): if 0 < x2 < x1 and 0 < y2 < y1: res += 1 elif 0 < x2 < x1 and y1 < y2 < 0: res += 1 elif x1 < x2 < 0 and 0 < y2 < y1: res += 1 elif x1 < x2 < 0 and y1 < y2 < 0: res += 1 print(int(res))