print((function (f, g, a, b) if f(a) and f(b) then return g(a:sub(1,#a-1),b) end local r=g(a,b) return #r>8 and "E" or r end)(function (s) if s:sub(1,1)=="-" then if #s<4 then return false end for i=3,#s do if s:sub(i,i)~="0" then return false end end else if #s<3 then return false end for i=2,#s do if s:sub(i,i)~="0" then return false end end end return true end, function (a, b) return tostring((tonumber(a)+0LL)*(tonumber(b)+0LL)):sub(1,-3) end, io.stdin:read("*l"):match("(%-?%d+) (%-?%d+)")))