a, b = [int(_) for _ in input().split()] c = abs(a) d = abs(b) c = list(str(c)) d = list(str(d)) x = 0 if '1' in c: if c.count('1') != 1: x = 0 y = 0 if '1' in d: if d.count('1') != 1: y = 0 e = sorted(list(set(c))) f = sorted(list(set(d))) if a != 10 and b != 10 and x == 0 and y == 0 and 1 <= int(e[-1]) <= 9 and 1 <= int(f[-1]) <= 9 and len(e) == len(f) == 2: g = a * b print(g//10) else: h = a * b if -99999999 <= h <= 99999999: print(h) else: print('E')