using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ProgrammingContest { class Writer : IDisposable { private System.IO.TextWriter Out { get; } private StringBuilder Sb { get; } private bool IsReactive { get; } public Writer(string path) : this(new System.IO.StreamWriter(path)) { } public Writer(bool isReactive) : this(null, isReactive) { } public Writer(System.IO.TextWriter writer = null, bool isReactive = false) { this.Out = (writer ?? Console.Out); this.IsReactive = isReactive; if (!this.IsReactive) { this.Sb = new StringBuilder(); } } public void Dispose() { if (!this.IsReactive) { this.Out.Write(Sb.ToString()); } if (!this.Out.Equals(Console.Out)) { this.Out.Dispose(); } } public void Write(object val) { if (this.IsReactive) { this.Out.Write(val.ToString()); this.Out.Flush(); } else { this.Sb.Append(val.ToString()); } } public void WriteFormat(string format, params object[] vals) { if (this.IsReactive) { this.Out.Write(format, vals); this.Out.Flush(); } else { this.Sb.AppendFormat(format, vals); } } public void WriteLine(object val = null) { this.WriteFormat((val ?? string.Empty).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } public void WriteLine(int val) { this.WriteLine(val.ToString()); } public void WriteLine(long val) { this.WriteLine(val.ToString()); } public void WriteLine(string val) { this.WriteLine((object)val); } public void WriteLine(string format, params object[] vals) { this.WriteFormat(format + Environment.NewLine, vals); } } class Scanner : IDisposable { private Queue Buffer { get; } private char[] Sep { get; } private System.IO.TextReader Reader { get; } public Scanner(string path, char[] sep = null) : this(new System.IO.StreamReader(path), sep) { } public Scanner(System.IO.TextReader reader = null, char[] sep = null) { this.Buffer = new Queue(); this.Sep = (sep ?? new char[] { ' ' }); this.Reader = (reader ?? Console.In); } private void CheckBuffer() { if (this.Buffer.Count == 0 && this.Reader.Peek() != -1) { string str = string.Empty; for (; string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str); str = this.Reader.ReadLine()) ; var strs = str.Split(this.Sep).Where(el => !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(el) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(el))); foreach (var el in strs) { this.Buffer.Enqueue(el); } } } public void Dispose() { if (!this.Reader.Equals(Console.In)) { this.Reader.Dispose(); } } public string Next() { this.CheckBuffer(); return this.Buffer.Dequeue(); } public string[] GetStringArray(int N) { return Enumerable.Range(0, N) .Select(e => this.Next()) .ToArray(); } public int NextInt() { return int.Parse(this.Next()); } public int[] GetIntArray(int N) { return Enumerable.Range(0, N) .Select(e => this.NextInt()) .ToArray(); } public double NextDouble() { return double.Parse(this.Next()); } public double[] GetdoubleArray(int N) { return Enumerable.Range(0, N) .Select(e => this.NextDouble()) .ToArray(); } public long NextLong() { return long.Parse(this.Next()); } public long[] GetLongArray(int N) { return Enumerable.Range(0, N) .Select(e => this.NextLong()) .ToArray(); } public bool IsEnd { get { this.CheckBuffer(); return this.Buffer.Count == 0; } } } class MainClass : IDisposable { private Scanner Sc { get; } private Writer Wr { get; } static string BackPath { get; } = ".."; private char DirSep { get; } = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; private string InFilePath { get; } = string.Empty; private string OutFilePath { get; } = string.Empty; public MainClass() { this.InFilePath = MainClass.BackPath + this.DirSep + MainClass.BackPath + this.DirSep + "in.txt"; this.OutFilePath = MainClass.BackPath + this.DirSep + MainClass.BackPath + this.DirSep + "out.txt"; this.Wr = new Writer(this.IsReactive); //this.Wr = new Writer(this.OutFilePath); #if DEBUG if (!this.IsReactive) { this.Sc = new Scanner(this.InFilePath); } else { this.Sc = new Scanner(); } #else this.Sc = new Scanner(); #endif } static void Main(string[] args) { using (var mainClass = new MainClass()) { mainClass.Solve(); } } public void Dispose() { this.Sc?.Dispose(); this.Wr?.Dispose(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif } struct Edge: IComparable { public int From { get; set; } public int To { get; set; } public long Cost { get; set; } public int CompareTo(Edge other) { return this.Cost.CompareTo(other.Cost); } } void Solve() { int N = Sc.NextInt(); int M = Sc.NextInt(); int K = Sc.NextInt(); Edge[] edges = new Edge[M]; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int a = Sc.NextInt(); int b = Sc.NextInt(); int c = Sc.NextInt(); edges[i] = new Edge() { From = a - 1, To = b - 1, Cost = c }; } foreach (var e in Sc.GetIntArray(K).Select(i => i - 1)) { edges[e].Cost = 0; } Array.Sort(edges); UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(N); long ans = 0; foreach (var e in edges) { if (!uf.Unite(e.From, e.To)) { ans += e.Cost; } } Wr.WriteLine(ans); } private bool IsReactive { get; } = false; // TODO: reactive check !! } class UnionFind { private int[] Uni { get; } int count_; public UnionFind(int n) { this.Uni = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.Uni[i] = -1; } this.count_ = n; } public int Count() { return this.count_; } public int Count(int n) { return -this.Uni[this.Find(n)]; } public int Find(int n) { return (this.Uni[n] < 0 ? n : this.Uni[n] = this.Find(this.Uni[n])); } public bool Unite(int a, int b) { a = this.Find(a); b = this.Find(b); if (a == b) { return false; } if (this.Uni[a] > this.Uni[b]) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } this.Uni[a] += this.Uni[b]; this.Uni[b] = a; this.count_--; return true; } public bool Same(int a, int b) { return this.Find(a) == this.Find(b); } } }