#pragma GCC optimize ("O3") #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; using ll = long long int; #define debugos cout #define debug(v) {printf("L%d %s > ",__LINE__,#v);debugos<<(v)< ",__LINE__,#v);for(auto e:(v)){debugos< ",__LINE__,#m);for(int x=0;x<(w);x++){debugos<<(m)[x]<<" ";}debugos<\n",__LINE__,#m);for(int y=0;y<(h);y++){for(int x=0;x<(w);x++){debugos<<(m)[y][x]<<" ";}debugos< f) { if (!assertion) { cerr << "assertion fault:" << endl; f(); abort(); } } template inline ostream& operator <<(ostream &o, const pair p) { o << '(' << p.first << ':' << p.second << ')'; return o; } template inline ostream& _ostream_vecprint(ostream& os, const Vec& a) { os << '['; for (const auto& e : a) os << ' ' << e << ' '; os << ']'; return os; } template inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const vector& v) { return _ostream_vecprint(o, v); } template inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const array& v) { return _ostream_vecprint(o, v); } template inline T& chmax(T& to, const T& val) { return to = max(to, val); } template inline T& chmin(T& to, const T& val) { return to = min(to, val); } void bye(string s, int code = 0) { cout << s << endl; exit(code); } mt19937_64 randdev(8901016); template::value>::type* = nullptr> inline T rand(T l, T h, Random& rand = randdev) { return uniform_int_distribution(l, h)(rand); } template::value>::type* = nullptr> inline T rand(T l, T h, Random& rand = randdev) { return uniform_real_distribution(l, h)(rand); } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #define getchar_unlocked _getchar_nolock #define putchar_unlocked _putchar_nolock #elif defined(__GNUC__) #else #define getchar_unlocked getchar #define putchar_unlocked putchar #endif namespace { #define isvisiblechar(c) (0x21<=(c)&&(c)<=0x7E) class MaiScanner { public: template void input_integer(T& var) noexcept { var = 0; T sign = 1; int cc = getchar_unlocked(); for (; cc < '0' || '9' < cc; cc = getchar_unlocked()) if (cc == '-') sign = -1; for (; '0' <= cc && cc <= '9'; cc = getchar_unlocked()) var = (var << 3) + (var << 1) + cc - '0'; var = var * sign; } inline int c() noexcept { return getchar_unlocked(); } inline MaiScanner& operator>>(int& var) noexcept { input_integer(var); return *this; } inline MaiScanner& operator>>(long long& var) noexcept { input_integer(var); return *this; } inline MaiScanner& operator>>(string& var) { int cc = getchar_unlocked(); for (; !isvisiblechar(cc); cc = getchar_unlocked()); for (; isvisiblechar(cc); cc = getchar_unlocked()) var.push_back(cc); return *this; } template inline void in(IT begin, IT end) { for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) *this >> *it; } }; class MaiPrinter { public: template void output_integer(T var) noexcept { if (var == 0) { putchar_unlocked('0'); return; } if (var < 0) putchar_unlocked('-'), var = -var; char stack[32]; int stack_p = 0; while (var) stack[stack_p++] = '0' + (var % 10), var /= 10; while (stack_p) putchar_unlocked(stack[--stack_p]); } inline MaiPrinter& operator<<(char c) noexcept { putchar_unlocked(c); return *this; } inline MaiPrinter& operator<<(int var) noexcept { output_integer(var); return *this; } inline MaiPrinter& operator<<(long long var) noexcept { output_integer(var); return *this; } inline MaiPrinter& operator<<(char* str_p) noexcept { while (*str_p) putchar_unlocked(*(str_p++)); return *this; } inline MaiPrinter& operator<<(const string& str) { const char* p = str.c_str(); const char* l = p + str.size(); while (p < l) putchar_unlocked(*p++); return *this; } template void join(IT begin, IT end, char sep = ' ') { for (bool b = 0; begin != end; ++begin, b = 1) b ? *this << sep << *begin : *this << *begin; } }; } MaiScanner scanner; MaiPrinter printer; namespace BitAlgo { // 1が立っている数(f(1) = 1, f(6) = 2) inline int popcount32(uint32_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_popcount(v); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) return __popcnt(v); #else v = (v & 0x55555555) + (v >> 1 & 0x55555555); v = (v & 0x33333333) + (v >> 2 & 0x33333333); v = (v & 0x0f0f0f0f) + (v >> 4 & 0x0f0f0f0f); v = (v & 0x00ff00ff) + (v >> 8 & 0x00ff00ff); return (v & 0x0000ffff) + (v >> 16 & 0x0000ffff); #endif } // 1が立っている数(f(1) = 1, f(6) = 2) inline int popcount64(uint64_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_popcountll(v); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) return __popcnt64(v); #else v = (v & 0x5555555555555555ll) + (v >> 1 & 0x5555555555555555ll); v = (v & 0x3333333333333333ll) + (v >> 2 & 0x3333333333333333ll); v = (v & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fll) + (v >> 4 & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fll); v = (v & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffll) + (v >> 8 & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffll); v = (v & 0x0000ffff0000ffffll) + (v >> 16 & 0x0000ffff0000ffffll); return (v & 0x00000000ffffffffll) + (v >> 32 & 0x00000000ffffffffll); #endif } // popcount % 2 inline int parity32(uint32_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_parity(v); #else return popcount32(v) & 1; #endif } // popcount % 2 inline int parity64(uint64_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_parityll(v); #else return popcount32(v) & 1; #endif } // 2進で表した場合に小さい方から何桁目に初めて1が現れるか // (f(3) = 1, f(8) = 4, f(0) = 0) // 関連:__builtin_ctz inline int ffs32(uint32_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_ffs(v); #else int c = 1; if (v == 0) return 0; if (!(v & 0xFFFF)) c += 16, v >>= 16; if (!(v & 0x00FF)) c += 8, v >>= 8; if (!(v & 0x000F)) c += 4, v >>= 4; if (!(v & 0x0003)) c += 2, v >>= 2; if (!(v & 0x0001)) c += 1; return c; #endif } // 2進で表した場合に小さい方から何桁目に初めて1が現れるか // (f(3) = 1, f(8) = 4, f(0) = 0) // 関連:__builtin_ctzll inline int ffs64(uint64_t v) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return __builtin_ffsll(v); #else int c = 1; if (v == 0) return 0; if (!(v & 0xFFFFFFFFll)) c += 32, v >>= 32; if (!(v & 0x0000FFFFll)) c += 16, v >>= 16; if (!(v & 0x00FF)) c += 8, v >>= 8; if (!(v & 0x000F)) c += 4, v >>= 4; if (!(v & 0x0003)) c += 2, v >>= 2; if (!(v & 0x0001)) c += 1; return c; #endif } // 末尾から続く0の個数 // (f(2) = 30, f(0) = 32) inline int clz32(uint32_t x) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return x == 0 ? 32 : __builtin_clz(x); // #elif defined(_MSC_VER) // return __lzcnt(x); // _BitScanReverse #else union { uint32_t i; float f; } data; data.f = (float)x + 0.5; return 158 - (data.i >> 23); #endif } // 末尾から続く0の個数 // (f(2) = 62, f(0) = 64) inline int clz64(uint64_t x) noexcept { #if defined(__GNUC__) return x == 0 ? 64 : __builtin_clzll(x); // #elif defined(_MSC_VER) // return __lzcnt64(x); #else union { uint64_t i; double f; } datad; datad.f = (double)x + 0.5; return int(1086 - (datad.i >> 52)); #endif } } const int N = 16; int winner[N][N]; // winneridx ll dp[1 << N][N]; // maskの人集合がトーナメントで戦って人jが勝つ場合の数 void applydp(int bit) { int m = BitAlgo::popcount32(bit); int l = BitAlgo::ffs32(bit)-1; for (int hbit = bit; hbit > 1; hbit -= 1<> x; if (i > j) winner[i][j] = winner[j][i]; else if (i < j) winner[i][j] = x > 0 ? i : j; } } // repeat(i1, N) dp[1<= 4 && BitAlgo::popcount32(p) == 1) applydp(b); } repeat(i, N) { printer << dp[(1 << N) - 1][i] << '\n'; } return 0; }