// C++11 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bits/stdc++.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; inline long long GetTSC() { long long lo, hi; asm volatile ("rdtsc": "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi)); return lo + (hi << 32); } inline double GetSeconds() { return GetTSC() / 2.8e9; } struct XorShift { uint64_t x = 88172645463325252ULL; XorShift() {} void setSeed(uint64_t seed) { x = seed; } uint64_t next() { x ^= x << 13; x ^= x >> 7; x ^= x << 17; return x; } int nextInt(int n) { uint64_t upper = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL / n * n; uint64_t v = next(); while (v >= upper) { v = next(); } return v % n; } double nextDouble() { uint64_t v = next() >> 11; // 53bit return (double)v / (1ULL << 53); } }; const double TO = 9.9; const double eps = 1e-7; const double inf = 1e7; const int N = 10000; const int CLICK = 1; const int FM = 6; const string FS[FM] = {"enhclick", "hand", "lily", "factory", "casino", "grimoire"}; const int FP[FM] = {1, 1, 10, 120, 2000, 25000}; const int FB[FM] = {-1, 150, (int)2e3, (int)3e4, (int)6e5, (int)1e7}; const int FA[FM] = {15, 1500, (int)2e4, (int)3e5, (int)6e6, (int)1e8}; const int BUY = 2; const int SELL = BUY + FM; const int REF = BUY + FM * 2; long bcosts[FM][256]; long acosts[FM][16]; struct Product{ long pro; unsigned char bc[FM]; unsigned char ac[FM]; Product(){ pro = 1; for(int i=0; i0; i--){ if(ac[i] != a.ac[i]) return ac[i] < a.ac[i]; if(bc[i] != a.bc[i]) return bc[i] < a.bc[i]; } return ac[0] < a.ac[0]; } void copy(const Product &_p){ pro = _p.pro; for(int i=0; i= ac) continue; if(c >= ac && (p.ac[i] <= p.bc[i] / 10 || (i == 0 and p.ac[i] < 4))){ sts[si].copy(c-ac, p, qi, REF+i); sts[si].p.ac[i]++; sts[si].p.calc_pro(); if(bf) sts[si].c += sts[si].c / 100; if(ff){ sts[si].c += (sts[si].p.pro - pow(2, sts[si].p.ac[0])) * 7; }else{ sts[si].c += sts[si].p.pro - pow(2, sts[si].p.ac[0]); } si++; } } if(i==0) continue; if(p.bc[i] <= (p.ac[i]+1) * 10){ long bc = bcosts[i][p.bc[i]]; if(sf) bc -= bc / 10; else if(c - p.pro >= bc) continue; if(c >= bc){ sts[si].copy(c-bc, p, qi, BUY+i); sts[si].p.bc[i]++; sts[si].p.calc_pro(); if(bf) sts[si].c += sts[si].c / 100; if(ff){ sts[si].c += (sts[si].p.pro - pow(2, sts[si].p.ac[0])) * 7; }else{ sts[si].c += sts[si].p.pro - pow(2, sts[si].p.ac[0]); } si++; } } } return si - sti; } }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Product& p){ os << "P{" << p.pro; for(int i=0; i Q[N+1]; double starttime, gt; int tt,ctt; XorShift xs; void init(){ int n; scanf("%d%s", &n, S); for(int i=0; i= t; bool bf = S[t] == 'B'; Product tmp = TS[sti-1].p; int tqc = 1; auto &tq = Q[t]; tq.push_back(TS[sti-1]); for(int i=sti-2; i>=0; i--){ auto qi = TS[i]; if(tmp < qi.p){ tqc++; tmp = qi.p; tq.push_back(qi); if(tqc > 1999) break; } } int cqs = Q[t].size(); sti = 0; sti += Q[t][0].nextStates(bf,sf,ff,0, TS, sti); Product mp = Q[t][0].p; int qc = 1; if(t % 1000 == 999){ cerr << t << ": " << cqs << ", " << Q[t][0] << endl; } for(int i=1; i TSM - 50) break; } sf = 0; if(S[t] == 'F'){ ft = t + 20; }else if(S[t] == 'S'){ sf = 1; } } sort(&TS[0], &TS[sti]); Q[N].push_back(TS[sti-1]); int ni = 0; for(int i=N; i>0; i--){ // if(Q[i][ni].cmd != CLICK) cerr << i << ":: " << Q[i][ni] << endl; R[i-1] = Q[i][ni].cmd; ni = Q[i][ni].bi; } int bcount[FM] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int acount[FM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; for(int t=0; t=0; i--){ long ac = acosts[i][acount[i]]; long bc = bcosts[i][bcount[i]]; if(sf){ ac -= ac / 10; bc -= bc / 10; } if(ac <= c && tr == REF + i){ c -= ac; acount[i]++; break; } if(i > 0 && bc <= c && tr == BUY + i){ c -= bc; bcount[i]++; break; } } R[t] = tr; long cc = 0; if(tr == CLICK){ cc = bcount[0] * pow(2, acount[0]); } for(int i=1; i= t){ cc *= 7; } // if(t % 1000 == 999) cerr << t << ": " << c << ", cc: " << cc << endl; sf = 0; if(S[t] == 'N'){ }else if(S[t] == 'B'){ c += c / 100 + (c%100 ? 1 : 0); }else if(S[t] == 'F'){ ft = t + 20; }else if(S[t] == 'S'){ sf = 1; } c += cc; } for(int i=0; i= BUY && ri < BUY + FM){ cout << "buy " << FS[ri - BUY] << endl; }else if(ri >= REF && ri < REF + FM){ cout << "reinforce " << FS[ri - REF] << endl; }else if(ri >= SELL && ri < SELL + FM){ cout << "sell " << FS[ri - SELL] << endl; } cin >> s; if(i == 0) cerr << "s: " << s << endl; if(s == "-1") return; if(s[0] == '-'){ cerr << 1 / t << endl; } } } int main() { srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); xs.setSeed(rand() % 65536 || 65537); double mainstart = GetSeconds(); cerr << setprecision(10); init(); cerr << "init_time: " << GetSeconds() - mainstart << endl; solve(); output(); cerr << "main_time: " << GetSeconds() - mainstart << endl; return 0; }