import math n = int(input()) s = input() fac_power = {"enhclick":1, "hand":1, "lily":10, "factory":120, "casino":2000, "grimoire":25000} buy_count = {"enhclick":0, "hand":0, "lily":0, "factory":0, "casino":0, "grimoire":0} buy_price = {"buy hand":150, "buy lily":2000, "buy factory":30000, "buy casino":600000, "buy grimoire":10000000} rei_price = {"enhclick":15, "reinforce hand":1500, "reinforce lily":20000, "reinforce factory":300000, "reinforce casino":6000000, "reinforce grimoire":100000000} fac_names = {"hand", "lily", "factory", "casino", "grimoire"} turn = 0 cookie_count = 200 fever = 0 sale = False while turn < n: #------------- player_action ------------- act = None price = 0 for k, v in buy_price.items(): if sale: if cookie_count >= v * 0.9 and v * 0.9 > price: act, price = k, v * 0.9 else: if cookie_count >= v and v > price: act, price = k, v sale = False for k, v in rei_price.items(): if cookie_count >= v and v > price: act, price = k, v if act == None: print("click") cookie_count += fac_power["enhclick"] else: if act in buy_price: print(act) buy_price[act] = math.ceil(buy_price[act] * 1.2) buy_count[act.split()[-1]] += 1 cookie_count -= math.ceil(price) elif act in rei_price: print(act) rei_price[act] *= 10 fac_power[act.split()[-1]] *= 2 cookie_count -= price #------------- facility_action ----------- add = sum([fac_power[k] * buy_count[k] for k in fac_names]) if fever: add *= 7 fever -= 1 cookie_count += add #------------- special_action ------------ special_act = s[turn] if s == "B": cookie_count += math.ceil(cookie_count / 100) elif s == "F": fever = 20 elif s == "S": sale = True #------------- turn++ ------------------ turn += 1