import sequtils,strutils,heapqueue proc r() parseInt let(n,v,ox,oy)=(let t=r();(t[0],t[1],t[3]-1,t[2]-1)) let L=newSeqWith(n,r()) type F=tuple[v,x,y:int] proc T(sx,sy,sv,c:int)= var(C,O)=(newSeqWith(n,newSeq[bool](n)),newHeapQueue[F]()) O.push (-sv,sx,sy) while O.len>0: var(v,x,y)=O.pop() v= -v if C[x][y]:continue C[x][y]=true if c==1 and x==ox and y==oy:(T(x,y,v*2,0);continue) for d in[(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)]: let(nx,ny)=(d[0]+x,d[1]+y) if nx<0 or ny<0 or nx>=n or ny>=n :continue if v-L[nx][ny]<=0 or C[nx][ny]:continue O.push (-v+L[nx][ny],nx,ny) if nx==n-1 and ny==n-1:quit "YES",0 T 0,0,v,1 echo"NO"